When is it safe to start cutting after PCT?


New member
I understand that to keep my gains, over-nutrition is key during PCT. I'm currently on my first week of Nolva/Clomid, and I'm averaging 4,500-5,000 kcal/day. I want to start cutting (as I've been bulking since September), but I also don't want to lose any potential gains due to poor nutrition. I was intending to start cutting a week after my last dose of nolva/clomid (running it for four weeks). Should this be fine? Or should I consider waiting longer?
Must guys cut while on cycle. It's hard to cut without losing size without being on a low dose of test. Your trying to cut natty ?
U should probobly wait a couple months after u come off the serms... When pct ends I dont think maintaining cycle gains is over.

Ur body will be trying to return to homeostasis in the months after pct where all drugs have cleared ur system. The whole over-eating thing didnt work for me, I still lost most the muscle mass and ended up looking fat.

I wish somebody who has been legitimately cycling for a long time, like Jimithing, would share their before, during and after photos.
If you had plans on cutting You should have extended your cycle and cut then,, not after pct