when to start pct after test e cycle

Reading test e has half life 10.5 days so was thinking 500 iu hcg e3d then on day ten start nolv 40 and clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks
How much test are you running.? At 500mg ew, I would wait 3-4 weeks after last pin. If you finish with propionate you can start sooner.
You want to have your total testosterone level at least down to a natty level. about 500 ng/dl give or take before starting with SERMs. Dr Scally, an expert in the field of restarting HPTA after steroid use is convinced that starting PCT too soon is one of the primary reasons for a failed PCT.

I've seen a couple guys post bloods at the 2 week mark, and they were pretty close to the 500 level after a standard test cycle. 2 to 3 weeks is the norm, with 3 weeks being a little safer as far as being sure your levels are down.
Dr Scally suggests 3 to 4 weeks, fwiw

With half lives there is something called the rule of fives, that it takes 5 half lives to reach a level that is near zero.... but zero is never reachable in theory.
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I'd suggest taking a reduced amount of aromasin while doing PCT, maybe half of what you would take on cycle. 3mg a day would be a good place to start.

What good does running aromisin on pct do? Isnt pct to raise low test and aromisin to battle effects of high test?
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What good does running aromisin on pct do? Isnt pct to raise low test and aromisin to battle effects of high test?

lots of guys still deal with elevated E2 during PCT and a small dose of aromasin can prevent this.
Not everyone agrees with the practice of adding aromasin to PCT, but lots of guys do it.

I've done bloods during PCT and seen e2 at 60 even with a little Aromasin.

I've seen somewhere that e2 is 100x as supressive to the HPTA as test, one more reason to keep it down during pct.