Where's the Ostarine?


New member

I was gonna just go with MP's ostarine, but have read mixed reveiws of there capsule form. Can anyone lead me in the right direction for getting a legit form of ostarine?

Thanks! :Pump:
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I have recently read that ostarine was being researched during PCT but I have also read that subjects have been experiencing high estrogen sides from ostarine. So my question is, would this be something I could add to my monkey's PCT, alongside tamox & DAA for 4 wks? Or should I wait till he is finished w/ PCT and get blood work done, before researching with ostarine at 15mg per day for 30days?
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Osta-gain's ostarine is not for human use. All rats react differently to each compound so no one is sure how your rat will react to the ostarine. 15mg for 30days is good,along side with your rats pct.
Osta-gain's ostarine is not for human use. All rats react differently to each compound so no one is sure how your rat will react to the ostarine. 15mg for 30days is good,along side with your rats pct.

Edited. Thanks for the info, my monkey will be jacked by summertime for sure. :wackit:
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i have used unique's before and was happy with it. comes in higher concetration though.anyway they got a half off sale going at the moment
OSTA gain has very good Ostarine. I did my research at 25mg for 4 weeks then 30mg for another 4. It was added to my rats cycle, and he is very gyno prone but I did not use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on him and had no estro issues.

Depending on your research and the type of aas you researched, an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) might be beneficial anyway.