Which post cycle therapy (pct) for hdrol?


New member
Which PCT for hdrol?

I'm not sure on which post cycle therapy (pct) I should use, I was thinking Nolvadex 20/20/10/10. Do you guys have any other preferences? Thanks!
Dont rule out any otc post cycle therapy (pct) supps. Trans-resveratrol in Sustain Alpha and or Tcf-1 ( Daa ) would be 2 good additons imo.
I appreciate your help, I found 1800mgs for $40. If I run a cycle of 60/60/30/30 that would equal a total of 1260mgs so this one bottle should suffice. Can someone correct me if I'm wrong? Thanks!
I need some help setting up my post cycle therapy (pct). I tried long and hard to source a SERM and I couldnt find a safe place to buy it online. I live in germany and customs will intercept all packages coming from the U.S. that contain this type of product. I also searched EU nations and have not been able to find a source. I was wondering if i should just throw away the halodrol I purchased or risk using a otc post cycle therapy (pct). I have reversitol V2, Erase Pro, Advanced PCT, Activate Extreme, Anabeta Elite, Intimidate, DAA, Triazole, Maca, Tongkat Ali, DIM, ATD, and fadogia. Is there a way to set up a decent PCT with these ingredients. IF so any recommendations on how to set it up. ie first week advance pct
Sorry I forgot to add some info, I am 38 years old and have been lifting for 25years on and off. This would be my first PH. I am 5´9 and weight 220 pounds. I have about 12 percent bodyfat.