Whole wheat sandwich daily okay while dieting?


New member
I've been eating a sandwich a day, which I really look forward to, lol.
But I've been plateaued for about 6-8 weeks.
I'm upping my cardio, but was wondering if I should drop the whole wheat bread?
For the most part my meals are:

1/2cup fibre1 - 1/3 cup oatmeal.
Sandwich with an apple
Myoplex shake
Rice or Oatmeal for meal 4.
put some meat in your diet somewhere. how many calories are you getting a day ? i dont see anything wrong with a wheat sandwich
bobistheman said:
put some meat in your diet somewhere. how many calories are you getting a day ? i dont see anything wrong with a wheat sandwich

errr that's just my carb sources...
Unless it's homemade, the flour used in bread is too damn processed. And yes, I mean the whole flour.