Wich one is the best to cut?


New member
There it is, 2 different diet, one with carb the other very low-carb, whats the best?

2 Eggs whole cooked - 12fat, 2carb, 12pro
Quick oat 1cup - 7fat, 81carb, 18pro
Banana - 0fat, 27carb, 1pro

Tuna can - 0fat, 0carb, 30pro

Chicken breat 200g (7oz) - 15fat, 0carb, 58pro
Rice (1/2 cup) - 0fat, 79carb, 7pro
Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro


Beef steak 200g (9oz) - 18fat, 0carb, 68pro
Potato 1 large (3" to 4-1/4" dia, raw) - 0fat, 33carb, 3pro
Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro


Milk 1%: 5fat, 12carb, 8pro

TOTAL: 57fat, 248carb, 211pro

513 + 992 + 844 = 2349cals
(I'm about 2500cals now)

I'm 21yr
H: 5pi8
W: 170lbs
BF%: ±13%

I can see abs, most fat are Bellyfat :crying:
I want to cut this summer, my goal is 10BF%!
There it is, 2 different diet, one with carb the other very low-carb, whats the best?

2 Eggs whole cooked - 12fat, 2carb, 12pro
Quick oat 1cup - 7fat, 81carb, 18pro
Banana - 0fat, 27carb, 1pro
thats wayyy to many carbs in one sitting
Tuna can - 0fat, 0carb, 30pro
since when did tuna not have fish fat in it??
Chicken breat 200g (7oz) - 15fat, 0carb, 58pro
Rice (1/2 cup) - 0fat, 79carb, 7pro
Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro
what kinda rice?
i highly recommend u do this right after your training session
Beef steak 200g (9oz) - 18fat, 0carb, 68pro
Potato 1 large (3" to 4-1/4" dia, raw) - 0fat, 33carb, 3pro
Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro


Milk 1%: 5fat, 12carb, 8pro
this is your pwo?? add a complex carb at 30g here... get some more protein in.. ur body needs it to sustain muscle
TOTAL: 57fat, 248carb, 211pro

513 + 992 + 844 = 2349cals
(I'm about 2500cals now)


i cant even see the other one.. so i hope this helps
for the second diet.. drop your carbs even lower.. go under 30g, 20g if u can
I can cut 2 green vegies cup, like no brocolli at all, so ill be at: 25.2 carbs.
This sound good?

This is my diet:

150g beef
2x whole egg Omega3 large
1tbsp Olive Oil
Omega 3 caps
(Calcium, Magnesium, Vit C caps)

Tuna can
200g yugurt

220 chicken brest
1 cup celeri
1tbsp olive oil
Omega 3 caps

80g Allegro Cheese

*Cardio 3-4x week* High intensity (1min jog, 30sec sprint, 1min jog, 2min pause::: During 20-25mins -OR- 3km jog)

220g fish/beef
1cup celeri
1tbsp Olive Oil
Omega 3 caps
(Calcium, Magnesium caps)

*Training 6x/week*

Tuna can
Omega 3 caps


So, let me know whut u think about my low-carb diet, i plan to start it next week.
take this advice with a grain of salt because i dont know what drugs you take and i dont take a lot of drugs, or any at all until recently. I think the keto diets work the best. The only drawback ive seen are the obvious social/lifestyle limitations of getting your only carbs from green veggies.

I think on a good amount of gear a regular 40/40/20 with reduced cals MIGHT work better, but this is speculation.
I've finish 2wk of clen, i'll be 2wk off then began agan.
I've lost about 20pounds so far in 1month(170 to 150, i'ma about 11-12%BF now)
My goal is to reach the 10% BF so i'm not sure if i want to try keto or now cauz i've seen realy good result so far with a carb/pro diet... i dont know what to do about it..