

New member
I can get grapeseed oil at the local Grocery store!! PURE 100% GRAPESEED OIL!!!~! booyah!

5 bucks a bottle too!! (750mls)
I don't know how old you are, so don't take any offense, but I just got this image of your mom coming to visit you at college and saying, 'let's go to the grocery store to stock you up on some goodies.' Later at the store, you jump for joy when you see the grapeseed oil on sale and explain to your mom why, lol.
Ummm.....TX.....my mom was with me...she came today to take me shopping....are u psychic??
she was wondering why i got 3 bottles of the stuff.....i told her its better than olive oil...
i know...now i dont feel bad lying to my mommy. at least when i got back home, i read the label while on the can....*flame away*.....and realized i got lucky!
Why am I the only peanut oil supporter on this board?? Grape seed sshmape seed. Imm drunk and didnt score tonight. shove that grapeseed up ur assss.
TxLonghorn said:
I don't know how old you are, so don't take any offense, but I just got this image of your mom coming to visit you at college and saying, 'let's go to the grocery store to stock you up on some goodies.' Later at the store, you jump for joy when you see the grapeseed oil on sale and explain to your mom why, lol.

Phreak, I didn't tell him, I swear!