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im on test enath 400 mgs for 12 weeks and have been thinking of running winstrol for 6 weeks from 7-13 and clomid for post therapy, what kind of results should i see. could i take just 50mg e.o.d of Winstrol (winny) or should i go with e.d? also what is and whats it used for? and one more thing do i have to run h.c.g at the end as well?
Results will be difficult to guess at, especially that far into the cycle. I'm thinking you will have a pretty hard look, it will help with losing some subcutaneous water, it will certainly help retain whatever muscle you have already gained.

You can do it eod or ed. Obviously you will get more results taking it ed, but then you will be doubling your dosage as well. Personally, I think you'll be fine at eod.

It's your call about how you want to do your post-cycle therapy. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is not a necessity, but it seems to be growing in popularity to take it prior to stopping your cycle and following up with nolvadex. Clomid seems to fading in some people's minds due to all the negative sides it brings.
what type of sides does clomid bring, so your telling me i can use nolvadex post therapy instead of clomid what kind of dosing schedule would it be?
Well Winstrol (winny) will help maintain the weight and muscle that you have gained and it will def give you some strength.

I would go with the Winstrol (winny). Eod is fine
what type of sides does clomid bring, so your telling me i can use nolvadex post therapy instead of clomid what kind of dosing schedule would it be?

i am about to come ogg a sust/winny cycle and have nolvadex and clomid. I am interested in the sides of clomid as well