Winstrol - Headaches and High Blood Pressure


New member
Hey, I'm a 24 year old female taking winstrol for the first time, Ive been weight lifting for a few years now and decided to try winstrol. I am taking orals at 10 mg a day, 5 mg in the morning, 5 mg at night. Yes I am competing in the future which is why I decided to finally try it out. I just started taking it this past Sunday and I have been getting headaches, not super bad ones but enough to be a bothersome, I checked my blood pressure and it is slightly elevated compared to my normal blood pressure. I was just wondering if I should stop taking it? or if this is normal when you first start? with the headaches go away once my body is use to it?
Thanks in advance!
I would seriously keep an eye on your blood pressure and any virilization effects. I don't want to alarm you, but dianabol is quite often substituted for other orals, and it would most certainly have that effect due to a rapid increase in water retention. I'd suggest getting a private blood test to see where your estradiol is sitting at (winstrol doesn't increase estradiol), but you would have to know roughly what it should be based on your menstrual cycle. (right before can cause an increase of 400%).

Otherwise, I would be sure to drink plenty of water to assist with helping your body flush out water stores and discontinue use if you start seeing your diastolic (bottom number) approach 100mm/hg, or start developing bloody noses.

I truly wish you the best in your competition and welcome you to ology. :)
I would seriously keep an eye on your blood pressure and any virilization effects. I don't want to alarm you, but dianabol is quite often substituted for other orals, and it would most certainly have that effect due to a rapid increase in water retention. I'd suggest getting a private blood test to see where your estradiol is sitting at (winstrol doesn't increase estradiol), but you would have to know roughly what it should be based on your menstrual cycle. (right before can cause an increase of 400%).

Otherwise, I would be sure to drink plenty of water to assist with helping your body flush out water stores and discontinue use if you start seeing your diastolic (bottom number) approach 100mm/hg, or start developing bloody noses.

I truly wish you the best in your competition and welcome you to ology. :)

Thanks so much :) !!! My head feels better today, plus I've increased my water intake!! I really appreciate the reply :)
If someone lied to a girl and sold her dbol instead of winny then that person has a place in the scumbag hall of fame. It is one thing to underdose gear or even sell bunk gear, but to sell a woman a compound that can bring on virilization and is a potent androgen in place of winny is disgusting. I hope that this is not the case op, but listen to halfwit and monitor all of your vitals closely and invest in blood work.
Is there any other indication that it would be dbol? Like side effects other than virilization? My product is from nothern pharma and the pills I have are round white tablets, if this helps at all
D Bol for me due to it s conversion to estrogen cause a fast water weight gain a sense of well being DUE to estrogen and head ache s at first -----
For myself Ma am. HW and other s will know much more but I am so pleased to have u here !!!

Welcome and if I or other s can help--- we will !
D Bol for me due to it s conversion to estrogen cause a fast water weight gain a sense of well being DUE to estrogen and head ache s at first -----
For myself Ma am. HW and other s will know much more but I am so pleased to have u here !!!

Welcome and if I or other s can help--- we will !

Thank you :)
Is there any other indication that it would be dbol? Like side effects other than virilization? My product is from nothern pharma and the pills I have are round white tablets, if this helps at all

Outside running tests on the tabs which can cost a lot, checking estradiol is the easiest way usually. Unfortunately this can be tricky in women, but certainly doable.

Virilization effects usually start with clitoral growth, stray black hairs where you don't normally grow them, and your voice will start to become scratchy as a warning that it will soon deepen. Some females I know also notice a drastic change to menses (very heavy flows) when running androgenic drugs and a noticeable increase in body odor.

Hope this helps. :)
Alway s a lesson learned when u type HW. ,,!

I now know why the Anavar twins are not only running Var lol(2 beautie s turned beast at my gym)
Alway s a lesson learned when u type HW. ,,!

I now know why the Anavar twins are not only running Var lol(2 beautie s turned beast at my gym)

Some women can get away with it, but those that can't should really think things through before they do that to their bodies. I know a GORGEOUS gal that wanted to go figure, and she started dabbling with halo of all things - she became very masculine very quickly. Got shredded and huge for sure, but will never be the same. :(