Women And Steroids


squat queen
Hello I have a question:

What else can be taken other than Anavar? I have herd low dose deca, maybe nova and never debol or M1T.

Princessleigh is a fictional charcter.

Age 24
Height 5-3
LB 148
BF 16%???

Max Press 130 lb 1 rep
Military Press 90 lb 1 rep
Squat 225 1 rep
Leg Press 585 1 rep

Training for about 3 years.
Daily Protein intake 5-6 meals per day @ total protein 210 gm
Anvavar 20 mg daily for 3 weeks
Anvavar 10 mg daily for 4 weeks

Women can basically take anything as long as the steriod is very short acting. For example deca wouldn't be the best choice because it stays in the system for about 3 weeks. So if you notice virilization it will continue till the deca is out of your system. If you were to use a nandrolone, durabolin would be a much safer option. Duraboling is out of your system with 2-3 days. So if you notice side effects, the steriod can be discontinued quickly. This applies with other substances as well. For example if you were to you testosterone. Test propionate would be a much better choice than sustanon because it will clear the system much faster, that way virilization can be haulted.