X Factor?

Mad Dawg

New member
X Factor?

Its by Molecular nutrition contains Arachidonic Acid personally i dont know much about it. Just checking to see if anybodys tryed it or happen to know anything about it. Its fairly new product heard its a good bodybuilding hormone supp. Also expensive thats all i know about it. Tear. It. Up. Mad Dawg!:40oz:
The claims it makes sound very good, although I believe its still in the beta testing phase so most of us will have to wait to hear any feedback...
For all those interested, Mike at 1FAST400 has donated a case of X-factor for testing.

I will be posting the feedback over at MindandMuscle.NET for the 8 testers we have selected. The test will run for 8 weeks at slightly over recommended dosage (to insure no complaints of under-dosage later. We have sent out the product and will be starting the test next Monday.

I will post the link here when I start the thread.