Young guy looking into peptides for injury recovery


New member
I have to make this brief due to wrist tendonitis + typing

Are growth hormone releasing peptides safe for people who's hormonal systems aren't fully developed? i.e. young adults? I'm 18 but hit puberty late. My doctor says physically, I am like a 16 year old.
GHRPs don't shut down natural GH production, they stimulate it. So, when the person comes off the peptide, natural levels resume right? Unlike young guys taking steroids . But would they surpress GHRH, causing low levels later for young guys?

I have countless injuries at the moment. The first 7 months I got into lifting I did too much too soon with bad form. I have lots of pain. I've been doing physio for 6 months, but the doctors say it's about another 10 until I can hit the gym again. Since GH increases collagen synthesis so drastically, peptides that stimulate GH release would be great for my injuries.

GHRP-6 GHRP-2 Ipamorelin Mod GRF (1-29)and Hexarelin are all attractive, affordable peptides I'm reading up on. Couldn't find much on pubmed for my particular question though.

Well I think (correct me if I'm wrong) but they were actually developed for people who weren't entering puberty on schedule.

I don't think it'll hurt. But I'm not a doctor...
i just answered your question on this and you prolly didnt like the answer i gave so you started another thread asking the exact same thing....???

you are way to young to fuck around with this stuff....also you have no clue to what your doing.
Actually if you look at the dates before you make these assumptions, you'd know that this thread came first.. I made the second one re-worded and with a more appropriate, apt title.

And how else am I supposed to find out what I'm doing? I'm spending hours reading up on pubmed, but I cant find an answer to this exact question.
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