Not drinking alcohol and how you do it?


New member
So in early January I had some drinks. Since then nothing. I would say that this is now the longest I've gone without alcohol in years. This last week has been no problem staying away from the alcohol but as this flu is nearing it's end, and invites coming my way to go out, I've come to the conclusion that I've got a bit of an alcoholic residing in me.

My wife drinks every day. She's tiny, I don't know how she stays tiny. Her drinking at home, I can handle. It's the after-work invites that are tempting (On the weekend). During the week I've got the gym and my day is sort of geared around going to the gym so staying clear of alcohol, while a bit of a task, I can do. I wonder how others handle alcohol consumption?

While others chowed down on burgers and fries today, I had my veggies and chicken out. I don't seem to have an issue with others eating some very delicious looking/smelling food while I'm around. Alcohol is the bad guy. I can't just 'drink 1' and leave it at that, so I don't drink (Or try not to anyways).

Since starting the 3J I think I've cut back on 90% or more of my alcohol consumption when I look back at how I would have drank.
It's hard when your always around it I came from a 10 year addiction to drinking and drugs. I'll drink maybe twice a year now. But bodybuilding has been my new passion for the last 10 years and I've built my new life by surrounding myself with people who are the same. All my girlfriends along the way I always made sure they share my passion and don't party. So I don't know how to give advice when I had to live with my cousin that drank ed guess what I drank all the time too just gotta stay away.
90% reduction is no small feat! I just tell everyone I drank so much when I was younger that I damaged my liver (true story). It has fully regenerated itself (also true story), but now I do not drink because I doubt I will get lucky again (also true - though now I do not drink because I am a recovering alcoholic and if I take one drink I will be shortly finishing my tenth drink, though I do not tell them that part).

You would be surprised at how quickly people pull back any drink they were handing you when you tell say such stuff to them...and they do not feel bad you are not drinking, nor even pressure you to drink because only a monster would pressure you after hearing that. :)

I live in a culture where it's almost mandatory to drink. Everyone knows I'm dieting down, they're supportive. But I still get the 'Awe, one night won't kill ya.' thrown at me. I was THE person to try and beat when it came to drinking. I wish I had more people around me into lifting and dieting. Not much of an obesity problem in Japan.
Yeah no alcohol sucks man. I am/was a moderate drinker and have a completely healthy relationship with alcohol so my recent abstention from it has been a little tough

I live in a culture where it's almost mandatory to drink. Everyone knows I'm dieting down, they're supportive. But I still get the 'Awe, one night won't kill ya.' thrown at me. I was THE person to try and beat when it came to drinking. I wish I had more people around me into lifting and dieting. Not much of an obesity problem in Japan.

You could always use a derivation of my excuse - tell people you have been feeling bad lately and you went to the doctor, who told you that you are showing all the signs of potential liver failure...that he said if you keep drinking, even one night, it could push your liver over the are still at the tipping point where you can make a full recovery, though. You can reference all the heavy drinking everyone knows you did and that will lend credibility to your story. All successful lies are wrapped around a large chunk of truth - gives people something to grab hold of when they want to believe the lie.

But like Mega said, if YOU need the help to stop drinking, nothing beats AA. In the rooms, there is nothing that can be said that others just do not get...they understand so fully that even when you cannot find the words, the fellings you are pushing forth are enough for them. It really is an amazing thing. I have seen such raw emotion there that I will never forget. A huge, hulk of a man crying crystal tears of pain and anguish as he said he slipped up and is now going back to jail, but the judge let him come to the meeting one last time to say goodbye...the guy who mentioned a DUI with fatality (drunk lived as usual) and casually said "I wonder if the same thoughts went through his mind, once sober, as did mine when I learned I killed a woman and her child". Seeing a State Senator come into the I had a meeting with at the State Capitol a few hours before. His momentary shocked look when he saw men, then a nod and a small smile, knowing neither of us would ever reveal the other.
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When you're ready to stop it'll be the easiest thing and you'll look back and wonder how all those times before you weren't able to. How do you get to that point where you want to stop? Idk
I drank for 20 years everyday and quit cold turkey. This month makes 4 years without a drink. Its tough but you can do it.
Syn do you think that excess alcohol consumption has any positive benefits on your life?

It's fun, it relaxes me, I enjoy the taste. Those are positive. The negative is the hangover if I have one, which is actually rare. The other is a lack of motivation the next day, which used to be a determining factor as to whether I would drink. If I had a long work day, saying not to alcohol was never an issue.

However, when at business lunches/dinners, there's still an expectation to drink. A part of me still wants to. Still, I've gone this far without alcohol, let's see how much farther I can go.
It's fun, it relaxes me, I enjoy the taste. Those are positive. The negative is the hangover if I have one, which is actually rare. The other is a lack of motivation the next day, which used to be a determining factor as to whether I would drink. If I had a long work day, saying not to alcohol was never an issue.

However, when at business lunches/dinners, there's still an expectation to drink. A part of me still wants to. Still, I've gone this far without alcohol, let's see how much farther I can go.

In your mind do you want to NOT drink? That is the key my friend, you have to not want to. And when I say not drink I mean excess. A drink or two here and there isnt a problem IF you can leave it at that.

You can do it man, fuck, you can do anything you put your mind to, believe me. I havent been drunk in years. I look at the positives it brings and there arent any (tastes good, its fun arent positives) so I dont do it.

Listen i realize the culture over where you are is different BUT if you dont want to drink and want make a change you need to explain to people around you what your doing and why and weather it be family or business associates they need to fuckin respect what your doing, end of story.

A drink here n there, like I said, is cool, I have drinks here n there but excess consumption provides ZERO positives to life or the fitness goal you personally are trying to achieve.
Listen i realize the culture over where you are is different BUT if you dont want to drink and want make a change you need to explain to people around you what your doing and why and weather it be family or business associates they need to fuckin respect what your doing, end of story.

In my experience this never works. It actually tends to make them want to work harder to get you to drink with them. If you want to stop and can't handle the peer pressure of them making you feel guilty for not drinking with them, say you had an allergic reaction and can't drink any more or something to that effect.

Everybody seems to think you're not having a good enough time if you're not drunk alongside them so they'll pester you until you give in.
In my experience this never works. It actually tends to make them want to work harder to get you to drink with them. If you want to stop and can't handle the peer pressure of them making you feel guilty for not drinking with them, say you had an allergic reaction and can't drink any more or something to that effect.

Everybody seems to think you're not having a good enough time if you're not drunk alongside them so they'll pester you until you give in.

Dont give in. Lol. Anyone whos older than lets just say 30 who cant respect someone who wants to make a change shouldnt be around.

I understand what youre saying 150% ive been there, and I realize the situation hes in is different due to culture and line of work but if someones not gonna respect the wishes of someone close to them then thats pretty pathetic you know what Im saying?!

You wanna make a change, stand up for yourself. You gotta look out for the best interest of #1.
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I have found that people try to sabotage you simply because a better you means they appear to be worse...if they can keep you from becoming better, then THEY are actually better, in a twisted sort of way.
@Shredder I want to NOT drink. If alcohol became illegal, life would be grand for me. I'm not someone who can have 1 or 2 drinks and leave it at that, so I avoid alcohol where I can.

My western friends are on board and they don't put any pressure on me as far as drinking. It's completely different with my Japanese friends and especially Japanese business associates. Drinking is a means of bonding with clients. A few weeks ago I explained to a very close client that I was in the midst of transforming myself physically and that meant no alcohol and restricted calories etc. By the end of the day they were saying "Just come out for a couple of drinks, it won't set you back that much." Which is the attitude I get from everybody, thus far, that is Japanese. The only Japanese person who seems to be the opposite is my best friend, who is considering working with 3J. He's in a totally different place physically than I am, much closer to being 'stage ready'. He understands.

It's an uphill battle, but I'm fighting it.
Ya I understand the situation and I hope im not comin off wrong is the way I said things. Im here to help and hopefully give you some positivity. It sounds almost impossible to avoid completely but maybe toning it down is a step in the right direction. Dont ever forget do what you wanna do what ever choices you make make sure they are moving you in the right direction. Youve improved already so lets keep that up.