Recent content by 165powerhouse

  1. 1

    2nd cycle run through/thoughts

    I took it during the 8 week cycle 25mg eod, wanted to do 12.5 ed but each tab is 25 so just went eod.
  2. 1

    2nd cycle run through/thoughts

    Hello! I used Aromasin as my AI and I took 14 days from my last test E pin before I started pct, yes I did blood work before during and after cycle, everything was good and my DR knows what’s going on, so no concerns there. I appreciate your advice. Thank you
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    2nd cycle run through/thoughts

    Thank you for your reply, I ended up stopping after 8 weeks because of the amount of water I was retaining and the fear of not making weight for my meet, i Barely made weight. Please corrected me if I’m wrong, I heard on test p there is less water retention? Is that correct? I’d take the advice...
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    2nd cycle run through/thoughts

    Hello all! I am 26 5’8 174lbs about 11%bf Training for about 8 years Very competitive powerlifter (165lb weight class) I am planning on my second cycle, ran (500mg Test E/wk for 8 weeks) I wanted to start off easy as a beginner. I notice some strength gains here in the 8 weeks (35lbs on...