Recent content by 1michaelv

  1. 1

    2016- the years this shit gets real.

    I wouldn't give ya a hard time for using AAS when cutting. Anyone that would doesn't know wtf they are talking about. AAS is best when bulking, OR dieting to retain the muscle.
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    My First Cycle "12-Weeks" & Log

    I know what ketogenic dieting is. People make this stuff more complicated than it really is. If you're on gear you can simply go into a caloric deficit and do some cardio and the fat will come off if the diet is half-way decent.
  3. 1

    Cycle advice/tips please fella's.

    I'll give you my opinion. I think that is more gear than you need to use. Training, diet, and sleep are the most important keys. The steroids just make everything work better. Always keep that in mind. I would not recommend going on a nearly 6 month long cycle. I've done it myself, and I do...
  4. 1

    My First Cycle "12-Weeks" & Log

    If the goal is the cut fat then the best way to do it is lower total caloric intake and drop the fat lower, especially if on gear as the gear will keep you functioning properly, whereas dropping fat really low while natty is a recipe for weakness and depression. You cut the fat because it's...
  5. 1

    My first cycle and log.............

    Go for the frequency. A lot of people don't really understand how higher test affect the body. It changes your neurologically. You can handle more stress both in and outside the gym. Recovery time between sets and workouts increases. Protein synthesis goes up. IMO, you would get the best gains...
  6. 1

    Back again been gone bout 5 years courtesy the feds

    You don't need that much gear. Imo, I'd say use 300mg test and one of the other two you mentioned, or just use 500-600mg of the test by itself. You can grow like a mutherfucker off test alone if your training, diet, and sleep is on point. Focus on the burn and pump, really work the muscle, not...
  7. 1

    If it became impossible to get gear.....would you still train?

    If a person isn't willing to train except on gear then they are a fuckin loser. You can achieve a helluva physique naturally, just not that photoshopped look. It's harder, takes longer, and you won't look quite so amazing, but you can build a physique that will turn heads naturally if you have...
  8. 1

    Bag of omnas love test ends and amps

    You don't need an amp opener to open amps consistently. I mean it's a nice thing to have, but not necessary. I have opened many amps and a single kleenex folded twice and then put over the top of the amp works great. Grip the lower end of the amp with the first finger curled around it with your...
  9. 1

    Why we juice....the hidden reasons

    I wanted to look like a superhero. As a kid I read and collected comics religiously. I knew the stats and backstory for damn near every character in the Marvel universe by 12 years old. By 13 I started lifting weights. At that point Arnold had been a big influence, having seen him in many...
  10. 1

    Dbol dosage? Supposed to be 50mg but I'm not quite sure about that.

    If your test is good you should have been making gains by week 3, and imo, could be noticing changes within a week depending on the type of test. I notice the difference from one shot of sust within 2-3 days because my energy level in the gym skyrockets - the other effects kick in within a...