Recent content by arms2

  1. arms2

    noadronalone decanoate real? fake?

    No, its not normal. I have seen bro's use a small gage needle and take the real stuff out and replace it with oil. I only buy stuff with plastic flip off tops. Peace bro!!
  2. arms2

    human and vet grade tren

    You are wrong bro!!! The only Human fina was Finajet it came in 50cc bottles at 30mgs per ml. Primo is not fina!!! Parabolan is as close as it gets. And I don't think they make that anymore either. :angel:
  3. arms2

    Is this the real deal Winstrol-V by Upjohn?

    Yours is fake, bro. Sorry. I buy this stuff straight from the Vet. Your label is too bright in color. and the juice looks fake. And the new ones do come with holograms.
  4. arms2

    Dbol again

    Thats bull, I have a 190 proof bottle in my hand. It burns just like lighter fluid,But it makes a blue flame. Still it tastes like shit. It is sold in Louisiana.
  5. arms2

    Dbol again

    I can buy it all day long in just about any kind of store. Her in Louisiana. I bought some in Walmart.
  6. arms2

    Dbol again

    Thats bull, I have a 190 proof bottle in my hand. It burns just like lighter fluid,But it makes a blue flame. Still it tastes like shit. It is sold in Louisiana.
  7. arms2


    This is only my opinion now; I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I think this board should start a small forum, named Trusted bro's, and post all the addys of all the trusted bro's they have delt with, with there promission of course. It is alot less trouble to keep up with the trusted, than all...
  8. arms2

    Tren vs. Winny

    what kind of problems bro ? tell us maybe we can help!!! about the reply on my saying fina is 10 times stronger using DMSO, transderm. go's directly into the blood stream, no second pass through the liver. Just like runing up, directly into the vein or I.M. tell me what hits you harder???But its...
  9. arms2

    fina shelf life?

    well, I guess you bro's are right, I just assumed they had to be refrig. because they were packed in dry ice when I got them from the vet. I have been taking fina pellets since Dan D. told us about them in the early 90's . back then we used only DMSO, and they just seemed stronger back then, I...
  10. arms2

    fina shelf life?

    It will not last very long with out a frig. the pellets must be stored in a refrigerater at all times. You can tell if they are going bad the color will change from yellow to brown. If they are brown I would not use them.If you convert them they will last alot longer ,stored in a cool dark place...
  11. arms2

    Tren vs. Winny

    Tren; No contest, Winstrol (winny) is made from D.H.T. it will make your hair fall out and you will get alot more zits. Tren, when used right will rip you to the bone!!!!Alot of people out there don't know that by useing tren with DMSO is about 10 times stronger than inj. it. but you will smell...