Recent content by big1now

  1. B

    Machines or Freeweights???

    There's an ongoing battle at the gym that machines are better than the freewheights. Those who use the machines say it is better for form, therefore it benefits muscle growth and definition. Then there are those who say weights, isolates muscles and gives better workout. What do you think???
  2. B

    Arnold's AAS usage in the 80's

    and Arnolds roid use is important because??????
  3. B

    Cycle Question

    I'm using free weights but I'm only resting 30 seconds between each excercise. ie.. flat bench, 30 second jumprope, incline bench, 30 second jumprope, flys, 30 second jumprope/ then I repeat the set after a minute and a half.
  4. B

    Cycle Question

    Thanks, that actually sounds better. I figured I would be able to gain, but one never knows. Thats why I like these forums. Thanks again.
  5. B

    Cycle Question

    I'm currently, 6' 200lbs and am aiming to be about 220-225lbs. I'm on a high protein/Carb diet. I figure I better get back into shape cardio-wise, but ultimately, i want size. I figure within the circuit, i could go up in weight everyother, or every third day, increasing the amount i lift...
  6. B

    Cycle Question

    If I were to do a three month cycle while training with circuit weights, would i see gains or be able to put on weight?? I assume it would depend on how much weight i am pushing within the training session, but suggestions would be appreciated. FYI I've never actually done circuit training...
  7. B

    Circuit Training, Beneficial for Growth??

    I have begun a 30 minute circuit training schedule each morning and was curious as to whether or not I will be able to gain any size? My main purpose right now is to get back into shape and loose the extra pounds I've acquired. Once this is accomplished, which I really don't htink will take...
  8. B


    I'm starting a strict diet on Monday and will be loading up on Carbs and Protein for first two months, months 3-4 low cabs and high protein. My problem, and question, is how bad would one or two beers be? I know it's not the best thing to have during training, but I love my beer. Would it be...
  9. B

    squatted 675 easy today

    6'1" 350lbs and only 20, Holy shit that is very impressive. If only the clock could be turned back. I'da gave my right nut to be that big. Still would. Keep it up bro...
  10. B

    How does this program look??

    I'm starting a strict diet and training program Monday and wondered if it looked alright or if there were changes needed. I've been lifting on and off, but am going to get into it hard. My diet will be mostly protein and Carbs for the first two months then low carbs and high protein for the...
  11. B

    Doggcrapp training?? what is this?

    Ive never heard of doggcrapp trainingm, what is it and what does it entail?
  12. B

    Training time?

    Is morning a better time to train than evening? or does it just depend on individual preference. It seems that by the end of the day your energy would be less. Also, is it bad to do cardio on the same day as lifting?
  13. B

    Training time?

    Is morning a better time to train than evening? or does it just depend on individual preference. It seems that by the end of the day your energy would be less. Also, is it bad to do cardio on the same day as lifting?
  14. B


    P.S. Don't know if this helps, but these are the I am doing standing barbell curls3x10, preacher curls3x10, and concentration curls3x10.
  15. B


    I'm 6' about 200lbs What's the best way to get a full bicep? I'm getting a ball at the top, but the rest of my bicep looks undefined. I use full range of motion, but I'm not obtaining a full look to my arms. Any suggestions??