Recent content by BIGRK

  1. BIGRK

    What Should Be Insulin Dosage And Its Cycles In A Year???

    I dont think there is any solid scientific proof that regular moderate insulin use causes one to become insulin dependent bro. I am trying to find the article i read on this exact subject. But remember reading that. I will post when i find the article
  2. BIGRK

    What kind of dogs do BBs have?

    half polar bear . half tiger
  3. BIGRK

    Back advice

    Always start with the bar right below knee level and pull the bar upwards while trying to push through the floor with ur feet . and squeeze ur shoulder blades together at the top. Stay between 6-8 rep range to add overall size and thichness bro. Ur erectors will become steel cables by doing this...
  4. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    bro to say u took 20ius and NOTHING happened is the problem i have. Yes . you are right on the fact that there are far better muscle-building drugs out there. BUT . insulin will promote gains in strength and size. I have seen it first hand in myself and with guys i know personally. The argument...
  5. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    It shows how much of a pussy you really are because you think that because you probably spent 20 min conjuring up all that bullshit that you have won a fucking internet typing battle. WOW bro u must really be a cardiologist because you are sooo smart and wise beyond your years. lol. Whats funny...
  6. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    Oh and johnny i hope you like your cardiologist job. IM A FUCKING ASTRONAUT!! And ive been to space and explored mars bro!
  7. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    Did i really say i gained more muscle from insulin than 500mg of test dumb fuck? OR did i say i gained as much strength. just stay off the thread. ur worthless bro. and for someone to say that they took 20 fucking ius PWO and NOTHING HAPPENED is the biggest fucking joke. Nope sorry i forgot ...
  8. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    Oh and johnny . nice analogy from dogs to a human subject. lmao
  9. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    I bet youve gotten ur face smashed in a few times huh? Is that why you act like a cocky crybaby?
  10. BIGRK

    Need help from the pros please.

    easy on the pb bro. Yes there is WAY worse fats out there but there is also way better healthy fats too. Try almonds or walnuts have omegas in them.
  11. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    YAY! another idiot just joined the thread who also has no fucking experience with a drug but wants to say that at first use IT WILL JUST KILL YOU!!!! how about u go and try it bro and use half ur brain (cause thats all it takes) to use it safely then report back here when ur NOT DEAD ok? at...
  12. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    Comin from a guy that i would guess has at least tried aas. lol. And what the hell do you think aas does to your cholesterol bro?? classic
  13. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    first of all i dont care what you think i did or didnt do. and on the fact that insulin doesnt cause gains . tell that to the hundreds of guys that are currently taking or have taken insulin with great gains. You have to be insulin resistant bro. plain and simple. If 20ius doesnt do anything...
  14. BIGRK

    Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

    20 units what?? U mean ius? And im thinkin ur insulin was the fake bro. there is no way in hell anyone should ever have to take 20 ius to see results. The most ive ever taken was 10 ius pwo and that is plenty for any guy over 200lbs if u ask me. and i had the test checked and no it was no...
  15. BIGRK

    How much protein?

    I wish bro. been slow for at least the last So i got in school