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  • yea i saw very good results for my first cycle,but i took deca/test/dbol for my first cycle and it was for 16weeks.
    you wont really notice yourself getting bigger because you see yourself everyday,thats why to take beore and afters,go get a blood test to make sure the gear is real too!
    you should start a log in " my steroid cycle" section just make the title " Starting my test cycle! LOG" and people will follow it and just say all your stats and update your guy regimen and your lifts and stuff it will be alot of fun
    Test enanthate bro. had my first injection 2day man went really well man :) no pain at all jus stingin a lil now das all
    no you dont have to load up the load down... just take 50mgs/everyday, space them out i like to do 1 in the morning 3 before workout then 1 at night... just take dbol for 4weeks its just to kickstart a injection cycle
    1.i started steroids at age 19/my first cycle was Deca/dbol. im not recommending it because it can shut your dick down for months after. do the cycle i told you about.
    2.pct is ment to bring your test levels back to normal. the reason why people loose the gains after a cycle without a pct is because test helps maintain muscle and muscle growth without test you will shrink and not build muscle. so yes a pct will help keep gains and strength,you will keep strength if you bust your ass in the gym.
    3.i personal think if you take both its best. but in my opinion clomid will be better if you take it by itself all depends on your diet and training. but if you do a 12weeks you will not be able to gain 50lbs from it. it also has to do with how your body reacts to it some people dont get much gains but some people blow up on juice
    5.ive been on and off juice for 4 years i didnt get any sideeffect besides growing
    7.yes your pct will bring your balls back
    8.dont be scared to pin
    what were your questions? post your questions on my visitor message box on my page
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