Recent content by blacktoppete

  1. B

    Any good gyms in New York City?

    Pumping Iron Fitness, Staten Island.
  2. B

    sticking to test only cycles

    Go natural have your family and come back and blast off!
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    Testosterone known as the base to most cycle stacks

    Not running Test with your cycles sounds like 30yrs ago when I was told just to pyramid my cycle with no pct lol. How about the juice doctor at the gym telling me parabolin was a deadlift drug and would make mine increase 50lbs lol. Please guys run at least 80mgs of test a week with your cycles.
  4. B

    Test E and EQ cycle advice

    Donating Blood and Blood work she be at the top of the list of things needed for your cycles. Test only cycles can raise your levels into unsafe territory.
  5. B

    High Bloos pressure!! HELP!!

    I hope you donated like you said you did. Take a aspirin and go the docs and get a bp med.
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    Hot/cold flashes while on cycle

    Lower your test. Trt is good at 100mgs a week.
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    Tren and the emotional roller coaster

    With Caber no more rollercoaster rides for me.
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    Donating blood questions 25 characters ect 123412123

    Whole blood. I go every 56 days in NY and keeps me in check and gtg.
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    Pinn update ......................................

    Hope all turns out well for everyone. I got some good shit from them in the past.
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    Can Growth Hormone Cause Eczema

    Anavar and rubbing area with borage oil cleared up my eczema that I had for many years. When im not on anavar it comes back a little.
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    Week 5 updated pics..................

    Looking better and better. Good luck and cant wait to see the next set of pictures
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    wanting some deca opinions

    Take your ai and some caber watch your diet you shouldn't bloat at all.
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    Progress pics since Feburary.

    Keep up the good work, filling out nice.
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    end of week 4 pics ...........

    Looking good. You going to update us at the 8wk mark?