Recent content by bowbow

  1. bowbow

    What do YOU eat before bedtime??

    I just switched to twinlabs new pm protein which is all casein protein
  2. bowbow

    2nd week 300mg cyp 200 mg eq

    I agree with wally on this.
  3. bowbow

    1st Cycle: Sust+Bolde+Dbol >>

    I think you've researched what you want to do very well. At the age of 32 if you want to do it then just do it. And I don't think it is to much either, It's short and your doses are low in my opinion. Just remember to increase your diet some like the others have said. Looks good to me.
  4. bowbow

    question about first cycle

    Personally I would stay away from QV. I've read alot of reports of people not making any gains, especially from there enanthate.
  5. bowbow

    Quickie: Eth vs. Cyp

    I'm going to be starting Sydgroups cyp as well in a couple of weeks. And like the others have said very similar.
  6. bowbow

    What do you guys think the ideal time on is?

    Going to try a 16 weeker to see for myself.
  7. bowbow

    Fisrt Cycle (confused)

    I think you need to eat almost twice as much as you said your eating and when your ready just do a test only cycle for ten weeks of either cyp or enanthate. Sust should be inj. more frequently. You could get away with just once a week with the others but twice would be better.
  8. bowbow

    Cycle is OVER

    Gotta be happy with those results.
  9. bowbow

    first cycle

    You should be able to do a test only cycle like the others suggest for around 150-200 bucks. Don't forget about post cycle drugs as well.
  10. bowbow


    I'll be trying there cyp and eq in a couple of weeks.
  11. bowbow

    What do people say to you when you are on a cycle?

    I just tell them It's my new eating habits. Have a meal every 3 hours with lots of protein.
  12. bowbow

    days to inject this cycle?

    Sounds like a good plan to me.
  13. bowbow

    Sodas workout partner-My dad age 54

    I hope I can look half that good at that age .
  14. bowbow

    Info for first cycle.

    I agree with this but not your statement about just one cycle. thats what I thought as well.:D