Recent content by Brandon2355

  1. B

    1st cycle advice please ********

    Been on 100mg eod for about a week and a half now. Not really noticing anything yet. Hoping it's still to soon.
  2. B

    1st cycle advice please ********

    No side yet. It's been a week and a half now doing 100mg eod
  3. B

    Need to know if this is legit?

    Yeah I've been using it. I've been doing it for about a week and a half now at 100mg eod. Haven't noticed it yet.
  4. B

    Performance pharm anyone used it before? This is the stuff I have
  5. B

    Performance pharm anyone used it before?

    No still can't. I need to post more.
  6. B

    Lump on my left delt been there 4 days now

    It's getting smaller now. It's not hard anymore it's a little soft.. don't know what that means but there is no pain, redness, or anything. But until it's completely gone I'm just avoiding pinning that shoulder all together.
  7. B

    Lump on my left delt been there 4 days now

    10-4 appreciate the info. I mostly hit my delts but I'm going to switch it up. Last time I did my glutes I didn't have a long enough needle couldn't sit down for a couple days haha
  8. B

    Performance pharm anyone used it before?

    Hey gib just wondering what the bottle looked like? Black and silver label?
  9. B

    1st cycle advice please ********

    I already have the test p. I decided to drop the deca since it is my first cycle. So I'm just doing 1cc of test eod
  10. B

    Lump on my left delt been there 4 days now

    Yes the lump is still there. There is no pain it just feels hard to the touch like I'm flexing my delt. When I do flex my delt it's noticeable. No fever and it's not hot to the touch
  11. B

    Performance pharm anyone used it before?

    Hey gib I tried to pm you back but for some reason it won't let me need 50 post to send pms
  12. B

    Performance pharm anyone used it before?

    The guy I'm getting it from is using it. I just wanted to see if other people have used it and was wondering why I can't find any info on it.
  13. B

    Performance pharm anyone used it before?

    Na man way out in va haha
  14. B

    Performance pharm anyone used it before?

    I am currently on a cycle with performance pharm. can't find any info on it anywhere though.
  15. B

    Lump on my left delt been there 4 days now

    It's the start of my 3rd week into my cycle I'm taking test prop eod and deca 2 times a week. Every injection site is really sore for about 2-3 days after. My last injection with both test and deca a lump on my delt has appeared and it hasn't gone down for 4 days now. The soreness is almost...