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  • That's great - Z will take care of you - if I can ever help just let me know. :)
    Anavar is a class l steroid and is great to mix with a Class ll such as Dbol or Anadrol.

    It's also best on an empty stomach - I'm running 60mg ed and will up it to 80 this week once I receive my nest order. :)
    I'll send him a PM for you just to give him a heads up - just in case.

    Please keep me posted - I know Z never want's any snags with customers orders so - I'd rather make sure you're good to go :)
    Did you call WU and they say the funds haven't been picked up?

    Once in a while a receiver will get blocked by WU and in this case you would have to have Z issue you a new receiver - you simply get a WU refund and then resend it with the new receiver.

    It's something that is out of Z's control if thats what happen - sometimes a receiver will pick up too many payments and WU puts a block on them - I have over 20 orders and it happen once.

    If this is the case I can PM Z for you - I'm not sure what info he would need - perhaps an order number and an email to contact you - or try and get your posts up so you can just PM him - I always prefer PM's rather than email.

    Let me know if I can help in any way - you'll be fine - don't sweat it. :)
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