Recent content by bula

  1. bula

    Gym etiquette

    I could care less about being nice to guys showing such disrespect for the others in the gym. If the gym is busy, I move the towel or whatever is there on the floor. When they come back say that they were using the equipment, I say "Yep you were. Now you are using that one over there." I...
  2. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    Just reread this thread again for nostalgia sake. It brought back great memories. A recommendation for those who will compete for the first time - take it ALL in. Embrace every moment. The pain, the sweat and the rewards that follow. You only have a short window to do it - make it count!! I...
  3. bula

    Bulk or Cut???

    Photo needed to give the feedback your looking for.
  4. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    No Time. Too many things going on in my life right now and to compete at a champion level, you really sacrifice A LOT. If I can't do it 110%, I can't be a champion. I can't settle for that. I'll still work out and diet but for now I will maintain what i've got and have a bit more fun eating...
  5. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    My lower will always be a laggard I agree but I think I got the most I could out of it this past year. It did improve quite a bit. And now that i'm hanging it up competitively, guess it will stay that way. Tampa was my last show. Oh and I forgot about that "calling out" stuff. That brought...
  6. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    Another good one I just got. Probably one of the better photos showing my balance and symmetry. Cheers, Bula
  7. bula

    Radiaterick first pics ever

    Since you've already lost alot of weight, be careful to not go at these last 20 pounds too quickly. Do it slowly and make sure you eat occasional fun foods (ie once a week) to keep that metabolism up. The more aggressive you are when you diet, the more muscle you'll lose - especially if you're...
  8. bula

    9 Days out!

    looking good. Not to be critical, but your front relaxed pose you're sticking our your arms way too far. Your back is already so wide, you just take away from your width by sticking the arms out. Judges dont want to see that. Just fyi. Just let those arms hang flexed but naturally loose...
  9. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    contest photos below .. Regs, Mr Tampa Bay
  10. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    Another photo with the trophy. Regards. Bula (aka Mr Tampa)
  11. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    DREAMS CAN COME TRUE!!!! Welp, i'm Mr Tampa. I won Middleweight and the Overall title at the Tampa Bay Classic. My conditioning was spot on and after months of hard prep, I nailed it. I made the 176.25 weight limit by weighing in right at 176. What a night. What a freaking Moth$r F$cking...
  12. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    Weigh in tomorrow night, contest is Saturday. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feeling week, looking shredded. I couldn't have brought a better package or worked any harder so lets see where the cards fall. Wish me luck. Bula
  13. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    No. Everything but quads and hams will be covered by 3 "high rep" work outs -- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Gotta get that last bit of glycogen out. Then its over.
  14. bula

    Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

    7 days out now and hardly keeping my head up. 183 lbs. I'm so hungry and so tired. But I know that feeling this way is EXACTLY where i should be. My last leg training day was today - yippee!!!. Only 2 more cardio days left - yippie!!! My final week prep starts tomorrow and i'll be lucky to...