Recent content by Cblock22

  1. Cblock22

    People in New York and Jersey are rude, short and ill tempered....

    I am in your neck of the woods G
  2. Cblock22

    Need help. Wanna gain muscle while I shred

    Dude the way you look at is per week. Say you start sunday, you end saturday. Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat. Thats 400 MG.
  3. Cblock22

    Help/Tips for my first Sustanon cycle

    what the fuck is bro food???
  4. Cblock22

    Need help. Wanna gain muscle while I shred

    Lol how do you take 100mg EOD and get 350mg a week? Fuck reading on usage of gear, dude you need to learn how to add.
  5. Cblock22

    bad injection [story time]

    :dumbass::wtf: Only thing I can compare to, was my first cycle when I pinned with vet grade pins and got an abscess from using 3/4" long pins in the glute for 2 weeks. Drained that bitch myself, and haven't been a retard since.
  6. Cblock22

    People in New York and Jersey are rude, short and ill tempered....

    One of my best buddies from the military was from NY. He was an asshole, but also one of the smartest and most stand up guys I have ever met. So I will take that over nice and ignorant lol. I believe California carries quite a bit of narcissistic dickhead persona's as well.
  7. Cblock22

    So my Dbols working! First cycle :) :) :) : )

    You running EP dbol Boosy? If you have decent stuff you should consider bumping it up to 40-50mg/ED. Just seems like a waste to run it that low unless its ridiculously potent
  8. Cblock22

    First time shorty with EP

    Radar, trust me I got up to 17-18% BF for a while haha. I am in my eyes a hardgainer as I am short and lanky, with a high metabolism. Mountain dog really emphasizes utilizing good fats to control and manage your metabolism to consistently digest and utilize your nutrients. Also, using an intra...
  9. Cblock22

    P.S.L. HGH log...... by Anzel

    All I needed to hear my friend. I am ready to start my endeavor with GH here shortly with the aid of PSL. Thanks for putting this up. Definitely helps me formulate an idea a little better.
  10. Cblock22

    First time shorty with EP

    Day 2- Still too early to know anything other than the smoothness of the gear. PIP is very minimal. Placebo with Dbol has officially taken place. I can't stop eating.
  11. Cblock22

    Help! Just started PCT and loosing weight fast!

    Haha Jozif This by all means was not natural, and consisted of a 14 week Test E cycle and 2 16 week Deca/Cyp cycles. I couldn't break 160 after lifting for 4 years of lifting and eating like a train. I started AAS at a young age, but to me I had exhausted all other options and decided that my...
  12. Cblock22

    Help! Just started PCT and loosing weight fast!

    I am one myself. I am 5'10 and 210 now. Took me 2 years to get from 145 to where I am now. I eat about 3500-4000 calories a day on cycle and maintain at about 2500-3000 off cycle. Eat enough to maintain. You only need .9 grams of protein per lb of body weight to maintain. Just remember that...
  13. Cblock22

    Help! Just started PCT and loosing weight fast!

    Stopping 2 "dependents" at once. That's rough. Psychologically dependent on THC and Physically adjusted to PED's. Sounds like a rough rebound, but stick to at least 2,000 calories a day minimum.
  14. Cblock22

    Information needed please.

    My friend it sounds like you are looking to endeavor on the TRT expedition. Search the stickies and you shall find them. Prices vary. If he is a true friend, he will give you the cut and dry with a legitimate product. Messing with hormones is no joke, it can either benefit you, or screw you...