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  • E
    email me please..cant pm wanna ask you something
    i need a link to your thread you want deleted , i cant look all over the board for it.
    Hi Dadawg could i ask you to please delete a thread I had up called HDV cycle review please. I have another one up and don't wanna fill the site with crap. Thanks much apperciated if you can. Regards Henry HDV
    Hey, I have had a source for a while now. He was getting me Oxide labs gear and Strango Labs gear. But, my source hasnt been very reliable lately. I used to get gear off UncleZ. Is the gear off there good quality? Also, I need to find another source pretty soon, Im low on test. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
    i've on humalog post work out and today i had a slin pwo 8 ui like this

    finish workout (2.10 pm) shot of slin (2.15 pm)+5min shake maltodextrine 70 gr + 10 gr glutamine + 10 gr creatine
    shot of slin + 15 min 60 gr whey protein
    shot of slin + 1.15 hours 50 gr carbs 40 gr protein
    shot of slin + 2.45 hour 30 gr carbs 50 gr protein.

    The problem is the i was normal at that point but at 7 pm I had palpitations, sweatings and that staff so I took and orange, I KNOW THAT HUMALOG IS ACTIVATE FOR A MAX OF 4 HOURS RIGHT?
    Then at about 8.30pm I had another palpitations etc etc like and hypoglicemic.. so what happened? it seems that was activate for 6 hours or more? I don't understand please help me!! what did i do wrong?
    if you want 600 mg then just add a little to the eod injections , another 25 mg to each injection would work.
    hey dawg quick question...i started my test p cycle last week on Wednesday, i pinned for the first pinning eod question is, do i have to pinn today to start the new week even though i allready pinned yesterday or just continue eod?...thanks
    everything does something lol. ive known guys who have ran test only cycles for years without trouble but on paper HIGH doses of test arent the best , moderate doses are probablly another story.
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