Recent content by dadbod

  1. D

    Re-testing waters to prepare for bigger cycle

    I've tried starting a log but it never uploaded so I guess I'll pick this one up where I left off. let me start with what I've learned. I was under the impression that all AAS were the same whether it was test or anavar but they are different. you can't run steroids without test... this is an...
  2. D

    Red knot on my ass is it infected?

    I actually LOL'ed
  3. D

    Need help on anavar timing.

    I think i just had a stressful past few days unrelated to running anavar alone. I'm feeling good today so i don't think i have any actual sides from the var but I'm stopping it anyways and just saving what I have for at the end. lol This russian went out running, ran to far without finding...
  4. D

    Need help on anavar timing.

    I'm just stopping the var completely.
  5. D

    Need help on anavar timing.

    Yeah I can usually get things within days of making an order so I didn't think anything of it but I guess this was not the case this time. I wasn't going to get blood work till the middle of my cycle and as for sides I have felt a bit annoyed the past few days which I have a feeling is from the...
  6. D

    Need help on anavar timing.

    Ive currently been running anavar at 50mg ED while I waited for my test e to come in. it was only suppose to be 7 days until my test arrived but there was a shipping error so it didn't send out until a week later which then took about another week to drive to me. my plan was to run anavar at...
  7. D

    mixed reviews on nolva.. need advice

    I'm just curious if Clomid by itself is a sufficient pct for a test only cycle
  8. D

    mixed reviews on nolva.. need advice

    I have heard of people getting bad side effects from nolva and it seems like Clomid is better overall for pct. is there anyone here that runs Clomid only for pct. my last pct I did a blast of hcg before doing a Clomid only pct and everything worked out and my test levels came back just fine...
  9. D

    Re-testing waters to prepare for bigger cycle

    After re reading this I went back and looked at some old photos of my first cycle and I looked great but nothing crazy. I was trying to create a cycle that would resemble a natural bulk when at the end of the day that is not why I'm here. I have a good understanding of proper AAS cycles but I...
  10. D

    Re-testing waters to prepare for bigger cycle

    I ran a cycle about 3 years ago and loved it. Now its time to ease back into things and make some progressive gains that last. Currently 26yrs 5'7" 175lbs 12% Ill start with my history. My first cycle was Test 400 at i believe 500mg per week shot twice a week for 10 to 12 weeks.(I can't...