Need help on anavar timing.


New member
Ive currently been running anavar at 50mg ED while I waited for my test e to come in. it was only suppose to be 7 days until my test arrived but there was a shipping error so it didn't send out until a week later which then took about another week to drive to me.
my plan was to run anavar at 50mg for two weeks while I waited for the test to kick in but I just finally got my test yesterday and did my first pin and i just started my third week of anavar 3 days ago..

The timing didn't work out at all like I had hoped so now Im not sure if I should just up my dosage of anavar and keep running it for 6 weeks total or stop taking it right now and save what I have left till the end.
I will only have enough to run at 30mg ED for 6 weeks if i stop now and save it or i can run 60mg ED for another 3 weeks.
I know anavar is usually best run at the end of a cycle but Im wondering if only running 30mg will even be worth it.

I have done one cycle in the past of test only 3-4 years ago and it went great. (test400 @ 600mg pr week for 12 weeks)
have you done any blood works? next time wait till you have it all in hand before you start a cycle. how are the sides?
Very well said Milton, Never start ANYTHING till you have everything you need. To answer the question, I would stop and save it, but thats my opinion
Yeah I can usually get things within days of making an order so I didn't think anything of it but I guess this was not the case this time. I wasn't going to get blood work till the middle of my cycle and as for sides I have felt a bit annoyed the past few days which I have a feeling is from the var starting to shut down my natural test levels but nothing major. just felt like the spring in my step wasn't there.
Yes best is to stop and wait till you get all that you need for your cycle like it has been stated above ^^^^^. Are you experiencing any sides? how do you feel?
Never start until everything is in house! You don't run out into war with a half clip and a promise do you ?
You do if you are Russian in WW2, many were sent forward without a rifle - told to get one off a dead guy.

On second thought, maybe not such a good plan....
I think i just had a stressful past few days unrelated to running anavar alone. I'm feeling good today so i don't think i have any actual sides from the var but I'm stopping it anyways and just saving what I have for at the end.

lol This russian went out running, ran to far without finding anything and now he's coming back to base to start over.
Doing my second pin tomorrow. var has been cut out

started a log. waiting for it to show up on the board