Recent content by DammShame

  1. D

    Hola from Costa Rica! Dammshame

    New member here - only posted a few times but already having major issues with site. I can longer reply nor contact admins. Acct is %^$*** up. If an admin reads please contact me. Thx and Cheers, DS
  2. D

    For Those of You having Issues Posting

    Still having issues - I can edit my post but replies and contacting Admins won't go through.....Help please
  3. D

    30 week hGH, IGF-1, T4 & AAS

    Test the edit - I have not been able to reply since post and cannot contact and admin
  4. D

    30 week hGH, IGF-1, T4 & AAS

    King, Responded last night but never posted! What type of hGH are you using? Jack, I will look into the full year hGH/250 test. I need to clear this PCT and get test checked (I know I should have done prior). I may need some "therapy" but to be honest have not really wanted to consider...
  5. D

    30 week hGH, IGF-1, T4 & AAS

    King - Forgot to ask "what type of hGH did you use?" I've read that the Hygetropin is pretty powerful compared to generics.... Cheers, DS
  6. D

    30 week hGH, IGF-1, T4 & AAS

    First to second? For the hGH and T4, I based upon age mostly and research - after 30 years of sports related (and 1 combat) injuries - Well I am really started to feel them. The low does is what I read as a conservative starting point for anti-age and fat loss. I can bump this as needed. hGh...
  7. D

    30 week hGH, IGF-1, T4 & AAS

    Reserved for Final
  8. D

    30 week hGH, IGF-1, T4 & AAS

    Hola Pro***8217;s! On week 10 of 12 of first cycle using Sostenon 250 @ 500mg a week. Overall happy with the experience. No bad side effects. I just jumped on this cycle with the help from a friend and did not bother to research it myself until after starting. I wont make that mistake...
  9. D

    Austinite's Top 3 - Essential On-Cycle Supplementations

    Thanks, I will get the sublingual on my next Amazon order and use the B12 they have here until then. I read a crap load of your threads - Good shit! Ever think of becoming a "technical Writer" - if not already so? Cheers, DS
  10. D

    Austinite's Top 3 - Essential On-Cycle Supplementations

    Here in Costa Rica the only injectable B12 is Cyanocobalamin. Should I use this or order B12 Methylcobalamin sublingual off Amazon and have it sent down? PuraVida, DS
  11. D

    First Cycle..... Beware long post

    Austinite, Wow - Great read! Thanks for the info, I will finish up on some of the internal links in the morning. But for now I see I screwed up on or not advised on: 1. Not getting initial blood work done. I will get the mid cycle done ASAP if the info will still help with out the initial...
  12. D

    First Cycle..... Beware long post

    First Cycle: Age 47, Height 5'10", Currently 190 lbs. Apprx 14.5-15.5% BF. Digital Omeran at GNC read 14.1% just before I started cycle but I think it is off a bit /Shrug. I have trained off and on Since HS and a lot in the Marines. Last time in I was in REALLY Good shape was about 7 years...