Recent content by Dapperdog

  1. Dapperdog

    Anyone know whats going on with Pinn?

    Thats a shame to hear that they are having a "glitch" in the system at Pinn, I really hope this works itself out.
  2. Dapperdog

    In need of good advice......

    Did everyone else just gloss over the grandmother buying the 16 year old kid Winston?! What the actual Fuck.. . U be trolling bro?
  3. Dapperdog

    How soon before end of TestP cycle to start TestE?

    I would say to start your test e at least 3 weeks before the end of the Prop cycle...even 4 wouldn't be unreasonable. Maybe cut your Prop dose back to half after the first week or 2 of Enanthate. Watch for estro spikes during transition, may need to bump up Aromatase inhibitor (AI) a little if...
  4. Dapperdog

    How much weight gain with test e

    Nobody is gaining no 30 lbs in a month of just test ... might be possible with Dbol added, but they are not gonna be quality gains. I wouldnt want to gain half that in a month, because it will come off in nanoseconds when the cycle ends. Slow but sure wins the war. Just wait , in another 2-3...
  5. Dapperdog

    do you ever......

    Don't be peepin' at my tissue bro...
  6. Dapperdog

    Second Cycle SWOLL-250 , these side effects?

    Why do you guys take these designer steroids? Swoll 250?! ..thats funny lol. Why not take the tried and true hormones, and not that closet chemist shit that hasn't been used for 50 years and no one really knows the side effects because its altered chemically. Are you just afraid to pin? Hate...
  7. Dapperdog

    I messed up and need help...

    Oh you are only one week into cycle? So 1 injection then. Stop everything now in that case, you will be fine. Educate yourself for a good while, and go into your next real cycle with the confidence you need to be safe and healthy. And please don't leave out important information like that in the...
  8. Dapperdog

    I messed up and need help...

    Well of course your natural test levels are shut what degree nobody can tell you, bloodwork is the only definitive answer. I suggest you get a hold of some proper post cycle therapy (pct) chems to assist in restoring your HPTA. If you have no post cycle therapy (pct) protocol at hand...
  9. Dapperdog

    Has any 1heard of legion pharmaceuticals

    I cant find one bad review about this one, I think you are good brother.
  10. Dapperdog

    Test/tren vs test/deca

    Man, you must feel like a beast on that stack, I know I would, shit I feel like an Ox on 750 test per week. You will be looking like the guy in your avatar shortly!
  11. Dapperdog

    How do so many of you get TRT?

    Your Doc said " You're a smart boy, you'll figure it out" regarding dosage of medication ??! Thats classic, and I love your Doc. He sounds batshit crazy though.
  12. Dapperdog

    Test e anticatabolic effects

    Not sure but 10 weeks on Test E is too short for me.
  13. Dapperdog

    Injected arimidex please help

    Man I thought that would hurt like a beeyatch...seeing as how it is 151 base. OP , you injected grain alcohol. I dont think any bacteria can live inside of it, so you dont have to worry about infection. Inflammation perhaps.
  14. Dapperdog

    Lock Box?

    Small lockboxes just scream "steal me". If you cant bolt it to the floor, or it doesn't weigh 300 pounds, its pointless. I can open one of those sentry "strong" boxes in about 3 seconds with a flathead, junk product. I can close it too, and you wouldn't know anyone was in it. I am a hobbyist...
  15. Dapperdog

    Pinn's Test Cyp

    Well he said the draw was after he went to 200 per week for 3 weeks.