Recent content by Dbol7

  1. Dbol7

    Delts vs Glutes?

    Haha nice profile pic dude! I feel my natty test rising. I also have issues with the aspirating part on the delts. I only do water based gear in the delts. For the soreness, work whatever site you injected in about 50 min after injection. I always go for a quick hike after I pin my glutes or...
  2. Dbol7

    Need advice..would be much appeciated...beginer...

    Alright, I guess I don't need to tell you how much of a bad idea it was to take dbol at age 16 and all the other lets move on. I am a firm believer of using about twice as much test than deca. If I don't follow this rule I end up getting deca dick and the wife will consider...
  3. Dbol7

    Whats you're current Cutting / Re-comp stack? Mine includes AAS, SARM and PEPTIDES

    Eh no? Ok maybe not 3%, don't know. But I always have my abs fully visible, just not in December. As far as I know you have to be lower than 5% to see them fully. Whats so impossible about that either? I'm on HGH for at least 6 months a year, sometimes the whole year. I don't eat any kind of...
  4. Dbol7


    I myself like and use the blast, I never said to drop it. Just not @ 1000ui, that is too excessive. Everything else you laid out seems fine. I also rather overkill the HCG and SERMs for the same reasons you have given. But do some research about HCG shutting you down further, its something that...
  5. Dbol7

    Some words of advise

    Your type of cardio is reasonable. Give the reduced protein diet a try, 20-30g a meal is really enough. And check for cysts or tumors on the liver. Deca can cause this in some rare cases. I believe so can Test.
  6. Dbol7

    Some words of advise

    Yea I can see some people have a different opinion on this. First of, by cardio I mean really heavy stuff, sprinting, biking up hill, things that really get your heart rate going. I still go hiking and swimming several times a week, but all at a slow relaxed pace. This is because your heart is...
  7. Dbol7

    cutting fat and losing muscle

    I also had surgery on my shoulder last year. Its generally a good idea to get lean but keep in mind, the less you weigh, the less calories you need and it becomes harder and harder to lose fat. This is why bodybuilding really is the only way to get lean and stay lean. I would say about 10% BF is...
  8. Dbol7

    Some words of advise

    We used to eat around 40 - 50g a meal, sometimes 8 meals a day. I also roughly followed your equation, I was around 250lbs at that time. It doesn't seem to help or matter, according to my bloodwork it just got washed away through my liver. Now for the past 9 years I've just been eating 20 - 30g...
  9. Dbol7

    Some words of advise

    Hard to say, it seems like I'm very lucky with everything. I get very little water no matter what I use and I recover fast all the time. Therefore I use very little aromasin, usually only for 2 or 3 weeks, ED. I do not use Adex anymore, I believe Aromasin is superior and also feels better. I...
  10. Dbol7

    Legal D-bol

    No kidding? Thats cause it wasnt dbol. There is no such thing as "legal anything" Btw. be glad it wasnt the real deal, a dbol only cycle doesn't feel very good....
  11. Dbol7

    Help clen cycle

    Uh, its been a LONG time since I've messed with clen. My memory is a big foggy but as far as I remember, Clen only works for a short time and tapering the dosages does not help. It just becomes ineffective after a few days. I believe I used to run it 3 or 4 days on, then the same amount off, and...
  12. Dbol7

    Legal D-bol

    Oh how I love the power of placebo
  13. Dbol7

    Whats you're current Cutting / Re-comp stack? Mine includes AAS, SARM and PEPTIDES

    Been there done that. What you're doing is very effective. SARMS on cycle do seem to help with it in my opinion. Personally, I have stopped doing "cutting" cycles about 8 years ago. Whenever I use test, I can not lose fat, I get hungry. And I do not wish to run Primo or Masteron on its own. All...
  14. Dbol7

    2nd cycle. Some questions

    Fever? Usually happens if you have an infection. Did you draw from 2 different vials? If so, did you change the needle for each vial? And what do you mean by "better" aggression? Less aggressive or more? Thats a thing with UGs. Each product can differ a little, they aren't pharmaceutical...
  15. Dbol7

    What to do?

    They might be a little elevated, but it shouldn't be "all out of wack" If they are, then you have a problem.... Just say you were at a party or something, or that you did some binge eating over the last couple of days.