Recent content by Disturb

  1. Disturb

    10ml Vial Labels

    I have software and very high quality weather resistant labels I could supply you.. for a price of course pm me if interested.
  2. Disturb

    Sciroxx 'TAMOXIDEX' New label or FAKE??

    Does not look legit. Why not check their website. No where on there does it show this product.
  3. Disturb

    Usp oils? Is it really needed?

    If your brewing for personal use and you have a solid decent price on USP I would go USP.
  4. Disturb

    Trial Run Homebrew - Test C

    Glad you went with Test C its always easy brew.
  5. Disturb

    Syringe filter membrane - which do you prefer?

    I would strongly recommend opting for the pump. You may be able to find a cheaper one on ebay. Hand pumps just do not get the job done well.
  6. Disturb

    Completely lost sex drive

    200mg cialis in one dose? How were the sides? I accidentally took 400mg cialis at one time and i had a migraine headache for 3 days alongside extremely severe back pain and ache.
  7. Disturb

    are both nolvadex and clomid needed for a succesfull pct for my first cycle?

    Massive pecs wont hide your gyno. Bodyfat and cold weather will. I never understand the use of pro hormones. Same negative side effects as steroids but worse gains... Hmmm
  8. Disturb

    Syringe filter membrane - which do you prefer?

    Very handy when your filtering through .22 to ensure all bacteria is removed. Even with solution hot you will still break your hands so to speak using a syringe filter
  9. Disturb

    How to Homebrew Tren Acetate and Deca. HELP PLEASE!!

    Decanoate does not need BB. Only use BB is your filtering a large batch and want to thinner for easier filtering. If just personal use I would not use anything higher than 10% BB for your Decanoate ester. Tren Ace will be fine at 100mg per ml at 2% BA 20% BB.
  10. Disturb

    Syringe filter membrane - which do you prefer?

    You need a pump for vac. You run a tube from your brewed batch that has not been filtered. You have a clean fresh receiving beaker preferably 500ml + larger then your batch will be so if you filtering 1500ml, use a 2000ml beaker to receive. have the polycap .22 inline so the outlet is dumping...
  11. Disturb

    Reducing anxiety without prescription medication

    Do you find the gear makes your anxiety much worse? Im getting that today, hard to breathe anxious due to elevated testosterone levels I presume. Im currently looking into meditation techniques to bring me back to center.
  12. Disturb

    Syringe filter membrane - which do you prefer?

    Hey bro sorry I was pretty stoned last night so didnt really explain that properly. We use Whatman Polycap filters now .22 um. They are good for 2000ml no problem. Any other filtering procedure with .22 is a nightmare with that kind of volume.
  13. Disturb

    How long are powders good for when kept in good conditions?

    I believe I had this happen to my half brick of Test E. Same supplier as always and never had issue. But then this one batch of Test E was a nightmare. No matter how I filtered or what brew ratio it would cause extreme pip and test flu for days. I assume it went acidic