Recent content by evangeline

  1. E

    HGH Questions

    Hi GHGal; Just curious.. have u used anything like dandelion root to tighten up before a show (as a natural diuretic)? also.. u might consider adding glucosamine, chondroitin & msm to your supplement regimine. tightens the skin, repairs connective tissue & the msm helps with cellular osmosis...
  2. E

    women - oral winny - hair thinning --- ANYONE?

    thankyou kaju and newgoal for taking the time to reply.. today the hair loss is minimal and i've stopped having hormonal type flashes/sweats & chills.. but i'm definitely going to follow it up. i'm sure i set it all off by going off my estrogen for so long.. i've done four cycles of Winstrol...
  3. E

    women - oral winny - hair thinning --- ANYONE?

    it's also notable that this was the first time using sumthing that DIDN'T CHANGE MY VOICE AT ALL. i have had none of the masculinizing effects i've had in past cycles.. in fact, i feel very feminine.. which makes me feel that maybe the Winstrol (winny) i have been taking isn't primarily...
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    women - oral winny - hair thinning --- ANYONE?

    ....I have to add that my hair wouldn't look visibly thin to anyone else.. I usually have exceptionally thick hair. No one else has noticed.. but geez, when I wash/brush my hair I have a couple handfuls falling out.. I brush it over the garbage can. It used to take 3-4 clips to hold it up.. now...
  5. E

    women - oral winny - hair thinning --- ANYONE?

    thx.. I had a sample of nioxin here and have used it.. I am also aware of minoxidil, propecia, etc.. but I'm more trying to discern if the hair loss is from the low dose of Winstrol (winny). I can't believe it's from that alone.. The pharmacist told me not to use minoxidil.. she believes it is...
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    women - oral winny - hair thinning --- ANYONE?

    Hi gator.. I was only taking 10mg oral Winstrol (winny) daily.. i have health problems so I don't dare take anything stronger. I have in the past -- altogether i've done 4 cycles (but this is the cleanest Winstrol (winny) i've ever done). I am amazed that I got better results from this oral dose...
  7. E

    women - oral winny - hair thinning --- ANYONE?

    this is a bit repititious, but bear with me... LOL well, normally i have an incredibly full head of hair.. BUT i am experiencing sum hair thinning and not sure whether oral Winstrol (winny) might be contributing or if it's likely other factors.. (or a combination of many factors). altho i'v...
  8. E

    Sueareezay Diet

    they made a large difference for me.. but if you're doing fine without out them --great.
  9. E

    Sueareezay Diet

    madfuck.. try taking supplements to re-sensitize u to insulen.. like chromium, ALA (alpha lipoic acid), vanadyl sulfate, cinnamon... u don't need to use them all.. in fact, i use chromium & ALA and my cravings for sweets and rollercoaster energy levels are virtually eliminated (altho eating...
  10. E

    Peaking for Dummies; LAST week out...

    thanks SG... i have a show in two weeks (no trainer this time)... so i've never done my prep myself.. your prep recipe sounds more apt to work than my previous.. altho on contest day i think i'm gonna do salmon steak & yams.. yummy and satisfying too. :)
  11. E

    Seekin Help For My Wife - Ladies Please Help (Esp Supergirl)

    just curious... how is her diet.. does she consume alot of refined carbs/sugars, etc.. has she had bloodwork done (to check thyroid/blood sugar, etc)? what kind of foods (carb/fat/protein ratios) is she consumming--and how often is she eating.. does she drink enough water? everything needs to be...
  12. E

    Andriol from Organon?

    yes.. i get them prescribed here in canada too.
  13. E

    Glycerol in Canada?

    hi.. good morning! :)) can anyone help me with some information or with some direction? i've been trying to find "GLYCEROL", as i wish to try it in conjunction with creatine.. i live in ontario, CANADA... and i've been to numerous health food & supplement stores & NOBODY can tell me where i...
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    Wife lost sex drive, almost completely

    Hi, yeah, my doc put me on andriol after my hyst (in my 20's---about 20 years ago <ok, i'm dating myself here, but for u'r benefit>).. he put me on it to balance out my hormones after my hysterectomy.. he told me that if i wanted.. i could take one or two a day (40mg caps)... but he said it...
  15. E

    questions about carb loading for a show??

    Thanks DM.. I just noticed your reply to this post & I appreciate it very much.. I am hoping to get it right before the next show!