women - oral winny - hair thinning --- ANYONE?


In Pursuit of EXCELLENCE!
this is a bit repititious, but bear with me... LOL

well, normally i have an incredibly full head of hair.. BUT i am experiencing sum hair thinning and not sure whether oral Winstrol (winny) might be contributing or if it's likely other factors.. (or a combination of many factors). altho i'v discontinued it this week---i wish i didn't have to.. incidently, there's no substantial baldness in my family. and this has never happened to me before.. (and i've taken stronger gear in the past).

i am competing in 4 weeks,, and it's all i've been taking.. BUT i don't want to lose my hair over it.. HOW CAN I STEP ON STAGE WITH NO HAIR? LOL.. ok, well, it likely wouldn't all fall out, but hell, that's a nightmare of a thought.. isn't it?

first things first.. i had hysterectomy many years ago, so take my estrogen orally.. well..... i hadn't been taking my estrogen for a few months.. cuz i did a show back at the end of june, and decided to do this show a few months later.. so didn't want the water retention..

anyway.. i was taking about 10mg oral Winstrol (winny) daily for about 8-10 weeks.. about 4 weeks ago, i had drastic change in diet & training.. i kno this was very stressful--cuz i had other manifestations of stress, including infections.. The diet change included my protein intake virtually DOUBLING.. and the addition of BCAA's in substantial doses.

but my hair started to fall out in larger amounts and is continuing to do so.. altho it seemed to be worse a week or two ago, i'm still distressed. when i noticed my hair loss accelerating, i examined all my supplements (one of them had high doses of chromium which i understand can cause hair loss.. ie: 3200 mcg per day.. i stopped taking it, altho i had been on it for TWO months by then). I did research online and also noticed that a large increase in protein intake can ALSO cause temporary hair loss.. (this is getting complicated.. isn't it? LOL)

so the factors are: cessation of normal daily estrogen a few months ago (i'm 44 btw), the stress of a new diet (large increase in protein intake), high chromium in one of my supplements i took for a couple months, a new intense training program (stressful shock to my system) & the oral winstrol for 8-10wks.

does anyone have any thoughts on this mess or any experiences which might shed sum light?


*i have a cam vid on youtube which shows what i'm looking like now (4 weeks out from my show), took it a few nights ago.. hard to believe just small dose of Winstrol (winny) helped achieve this... wish i could continue it for a couple more weeks, as i haven't been able to find any 'real' anavar around & it's a big show (everyone will be on tons of juice.. hard to compete with that clean).. :(

YouTube - cam aug2-08
I'm no woman but you look great. You also look like you are on alot more than Winstrol. What have your past cycles looked like? What are all of the AAS's that you are taking?

Winstrol is my favorite compound and as I can see from your results, you like it as well.

How many cycles of Winstrol have you done?

There's an NPC female competitor that I talk to at my gym.

She loves Test Prop, EQ and Anavar. I see you are close to your comp. so this may not be an option.

Ill ask her about the hair concerns once I get some more info!

You look great though!!!!

I'm no woman but you look great. You also look like you are on alot more than Winstrol. What have your past cycles looked like? What are all of the AAS's that you are taking?

Hi gator.. I was only taking 10mg oral Winstrol (winny) daily.. i have health problems so I don't dare take anything stronger. I have in the past -- altogether i've done 4 cycles (but this is the cleanest Winstrol (winny) i've ever done). I am amazed that I got better results from this oral dose than i have other things in the past. But I haven't done a whole lot--for fear of hurting myself. I am mesomorphic to begin with..

I kind of hesitate to list past choices, because now I question their integrity.. supposedly done Winstrol (winny) 4 cycles (IM), anavar, & a wee bit of tren (so little it was hard to measure.. and I only did it for 3 weeks.. twice a week--that was two years ago).

I am hoping to compete next year naturally.. This is the best choice as most of what is available in the name of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is not what it's supposed to be. Having health problems makes that a serious gamble.
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winny is a
dht derivative. DHT causes hair loss. go to your local salon that sales Nioxin or see if you can find it on line. Nioxin is a shampoo that removes the DHT from the hair follicle and lets the hair grow. The process is much more complicated but if you read up on it the company explains it well. This will help you. it helped me.
winny is a
dht derivative. DHT causes hair loss. go to your local salon that sales Nioxin or see if you can find it on line. Nioxin is a shampoo that removes the DHT from the hair follicle and lets the hair grow. The process is much more complicated but if you read up on it the company explains it well. This will help you. it helped me.

thx.. I had a sample of nioxin here and have used it.. I am also aware of minoxidil, propecia, etc.. but I'm more trying to discern if the hair loss is from the low dose of Winstrol (winny). I can't believe it's from that alone.. The pharmacist told me not to use minoxidil.. she believes it is the lack of estrogen since I hadn't taken my estrogen for a few months. She believes I threw myself into menopause.. I'm having chills, sweats, overheating and other strange symptoms: ie: my veins are swelling up hot and painful at times..

yes, I've seen a doc about all of this.. and he just said "it's probably hormones".. I wanted a blood test, but obviously he couldn't be bothered.
....I have to add that my hair wouldn't look visibly thin to anyone else.. I usually have exceptionally thick hair. No one else has noticed.. but geez, when I wash/brush my hair I have a couple handfuls falling out.. I brush it over the garbage can. It used to take 3-4 clips to hold it up.. now it takes 1 or 2. I really started taking notice of other women's hair now that mine is thinning from this.. and I see that MOST women have thin hair compared to mine.
it's also notable that this was the first time using sumthing that DIDN'T CHANGE MY VOICE AT ALL. i have had none of the masculinizing effects i've had in past cycles.. in fact, i feel very feminine.. which makes me feel that maybe the Winstrol (winny) i have been taking isn't primarily responsible for the hair loss.

i have been under considerable stress.. in all ways. i understand that alone is reason for hair loss.. never mind the fact that i hadn't been taking my estrogen on top of it.

when i woke up this morning, i noticed that the hair isn't falling out as much.. i'm staying on the estrogen now (it's only 0.625mg/day).. but the question is.. dare i start back on the 10mg of Winstrol (winny) a day.. or maybe 5mg? even if i could take it for a couple more weeks, it would serve the purpose for the show.. decisions.. decision...
gat some nizoral shampoo and use it a couple times a week, it's known to block dht at the hair follicle also check the fats in your diet, if your on a very low fat diet you may lose hair, try adding some efa's to your diet if fat's on the low side, fish oils, flax...etc....
thx.. I had a sample of nioxin here and have used it.. I am also aware of minoxidil, propecia, etc.. but I'm more trying to discern if the hair loss is from the low dose of Winstrol (winny). I can't believe it's from that alone.. The pharmacist told me not to use minoxidil.. she believes it is the lack of estrogen since I hadn't taken my estrogen for a few months. She believes I threw myself into menopause.. I'm having chills, sweats, overheating and other strange symptoms: ie: my veins are swelling up hot and painful at times..

yes, I've seen a doc about all of this.. and he just said "it's probably hormones".. I wanted a blood test, but obviously he couldn't be bothered.

the sample is not going to help much. Your going to need to use it for about a month to get any good from it. hair grows on a 13 week cycle. When the hair falls out it will be 13 weeks before it grows out again if it is going to. It will take a long time to see results from nioxin and or propecia.

I am a cosmetologist and Barber I went to both schools and have continuing education every year. for the past 18years.
I would not recommend minoxidil. It is temporary. I have never heard of propecia causing problems (I have heard of erectile disfunction for men with propecia) for women but it makes since to use it. You may want to consider it along with Nioxin and hit from both ends. propecia and nioxin both work on the same principal.

Hormones are a big part of hair and hair growth. You taking Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is part of your problem. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are hormones. Other factors come into play also such heredity diet environment, health and blood circulation in the scalp. hair is fed by blood and lymph. Your lymphatic system is controlled partly by hormones. hair loss is normal but what you are talking about is something to pay attention to. your prescription of estrogen is something I have seen in many customers. every time they jack with it they loose hair. I even seen that in my sister who had a hysterectomy also.
when your hormone get out of Wacke your hair falls out. this is the same for men and women alike. when your hormones level off instead of fluctuating your hair will stop falling out. the symptoms you gave does sound like menopause but (Did you have your ovaries removed? I'm sure you did because you are on estrogen) you cant go through menopause because of your hysterectomy. but taking Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) changes your hormones and the fluctuations are causing your symptoms. if you do mention this to a Dr or pharmacist tell them you are taking Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) so they can assist you more informed and properly. good luck I'm sure this will eventually come to a happy ending.
thankyou kaju and newgoal for taking the time to reply.. today the hair loss is minimal and i've stopped having hormonal type flashes/sweats & chills.. but i'm definitely going to follow it up. i'm sure i set it all off by going off my estrogen for so long..

i've done four cycles of Winstrol (winny) in the past, and often my voice would deepen while on it.. this time i took much less (however i did take oral instead of inj).. and my voice hasn't deepened, nor have i had any sides at all.. no aggression.. nothing. i imagine it's a combination of factors.

no one else would notice that my hair is thinned, but i do.. i think it's a very distressing thing to have happen--especially for a woman.. good thing i had really thick hair to begin with.

Talked to the NPC competitor and she also had great results with Winstrol but the sides started sneaking up on her. She had to switch over to Anavar but I see thats a problem for you. She recommends a low dose Prop if you have access being this close and say goodbye to Winstrol.

Thats the word I got from her. Hope it helps.....

thankyou kaju and newgoal for taking the time to reply.. today the hair loss is minimal and i've stopped having hormonal type flashes/sweats & chills.. but i'm definitely going to follow it up. i'm sure i set it all off by going off my estrogen for so long..

i've done four cycles of Winstrol (winny) in the past, and often my voice would deepen while on it.. this time i took much less (however i did take oral instead of inj).. and my voice hasn't deepened, nor have i had any sides at all.. no aggression.. nothing. i imagine it's a combination of factors.

no one else would notice that my hair is thinned, but i do.. i think it's a very distressing thing to have happen--especially for a woman.. good thing i had really thick hair to begin with.

there is a much bigger difference between oral Winstrol (winny) and Winstrol (winny) depot than you think. a little research will show you better than I can type it all out for you. just loo into it for your own good. hope this info helps.