Recent content by frankzanefan

  1. frankzanefan

    Post Cycle Results Test E & Tren A **PICS**

    Ya, i am calling bs too. 1. why no shirt off in 2nd pic? 2. you posted big weight for the little guy pic and i don't care what you say, that body aint lifting that weight. Not without a video prooving it. 3. i don't believe the 2nd pic could hit 405 either. I know it is the internet...
  2. frankzanefan

    trenbolone acetate...

    ...I would like to add, "tapping as much pussy as you can get" to this list.
  3. frankzanefan

    bulk cycle-test, tren, dbol

    i agree with the test/deca for part of deca is it lubes those joints for the heavy lifts. i ran drol for the first 4 weeks and put in 40lbs. that was my first time running anadrol and i got my money's worth lol. i have not tried tren for bulking only during my cut down phaze...
  4. frankzanefan

    How long should i run tren for

    tren is pretty well known for the night sweats, insomnia and Horrilbe nightmares for me. But the magic it produces is worth it. you just have to plan on sleeping with a towel on your bed or changing a lot of sheets. I ran a fan full blast on me, no shirt and the wife was pissed. But...
  5. frankzanefan

    Anal Dildo source

    as much as this has been entertaining to read, I am more interested in Millertimes Avatar and where that pic is from because A>>> that chic is fucking hot. B>>>if you tell me that is you and that is true, I will never leave this site for another...and 3. Crikey that chick is hot. Thank you
  6. frankzanefan

    First show

    I have access to all of this and the Winstrol (winny) too. No problem on the gym commitments. Just hope my old ass can keep up lol. thank you for the break down, i am gonna show this to my trainer and see how close his thoughts on dialing me in are to this. Trainer is 5'10" 320 and incline...
  7. frankzanefan

    First show

    Hello. Been awhile but i thought i would ask for some opinions. Plan on my first show in July 2013. I will be in the Master Class 46-50. So figure i might stand a chance lol. Current stats: 6'2" 285 running: 600 test 300 Decca Have plenty of Tren and Test for the duration and access to...
  8. frankzanefan


    FUnny, i have not been on in a while and I just had this issue come up! I have aspirated a few times, but i mostly pin my glutes and never had come up with any being the super smart and incredibly busy guy i am, i will save myself 5 seconds and not do it Well the...
  9. frankzanefan

    Do steroid lose effect as the body get 'used' to them or is it our max potential???

    correct...i have been on for 10 straight months...loving it.
  10. frankzanefan

    1st cycle question on emotions

    first...good luck with that. Kind of goes with only 1 potato chip or 1 tattoo or one girl... 2nd...i usually pin 2x per week, but when i have gotten behind due to busy work schedule i realize it does screw with me a bit emotionally to only have pinned 1 time. Towards end of 7 days i realize i...
  11. frankzanefan

    Do steroid lose effect as the body get 'used' to them or is it our max potential???

    Totally agreed. I have been on since March 2010. I used a cutting diet beginning in april - june and lost about 25 lbs for summer....hovering around 240. ramped up my diet for mass beginning in august - december...jan 1 was at 280. Gear was the same except i utilized tren during my cutting...
  12. frankzanefan

    Video of PhatBastard at the gym tonight!

    lol i need to tape a couple of dudes from our gym that do some crazy ass lifting lol....i can not even explain it. love that to give the guy props he held that shit straight without quivering for a long ass time lol!
  13. frankzanefan

    Balls Going "Up Inside" =\

    Crikey..i feel like the luckiest gear head on the worst experience was a large zit on my nose! Friken hell dude...
  14. frankzanefan


    Random thought... I am incapable of taking a good -self- shot of my shoulders... this is rhetorical. Thank you..:bash: