Recent content by freeshaman9

  1. freeshaman9

    went full retard on my quad

    bit better today, and I forgot to mention that my hand would by shaking if 10ml of tren was about ro go in. Was that cut with extra oil or why 10ml?
  2. freeshaman9

    First test/ Anavar cycle, input appreciated

    Im new here so maybe not the best to take advise from. Nolva is not a good option for estrogen control while on cycle IMO. I like to use arimidex as an efficient AI. Not sure what your test dose really means. The Var is okay... I feel like I might benefit from a bit longer cycle from...
  3. freeshaman9

    went full retard on my quad

    How long did the recovery take on that one? Looks pretty similar, my phone cam just isn't top quality.
  4. freeshaman9

    Howdy, new guy here. Nice to meet you!

    Thank you for the welcome and help on the other post. I guess I have not mentioned my height (5' 10") in the above post. The rest of the info i believe is there. Right now am working on hardening up a bit. More of a hard muscle and less fat. My cycle is this - Week 1- TEST E...
  5. freeshaman9

    went full retard on my quad

    Thanks for the replies! My quad seems to be happier with compression and ice. Heat makes it a tad angry as it swells a bit with the heating pad. Here is a pic from 3 days ago, pretty much looks the same now, just a lkttle more color on the bruise.
  6. freeshaman9

    went full retard on my quad

    Was hitting my quad with 2ml and let go of the barrel like a tard so I could grab my prep pad. (I dont have a good reason for why I didnt wait untill the pin was out to grab it). The pin slipped sideways while in my quad and I didnt think much of it. About 6 hr later I could feel an...
  7. freeshaman9

    Howdy, new guy here. Nice to meet you!

    Hello, Im new to this forum and wanted to give a proper introduction. Im currently 27 and have been lifting since I was 16. Took a turn for the worse about a year ago and fell off on a bad drinking escapade. Im now sober for 8.5 months fat and trying to get back on track. I weigh 218lbs and...