Recent content by frozenfoodman

  1. F

    Female Enhancement?

    Can anyone suggest any type of female enhancement for my wife?? The first year of our sex life was absolutely crazy and now in the second year its starting to dwindle down. I've tried to talk with her about it but she always takes the defensive route. She says its stems from a childhood problem...
  2. F

    Advice for speeding up 1.5 mile run time?

    I also used to do the backpack thing when I was in the Marines. I also varied up my running. Monday I would sprint short distances up to a total of 2 miles. Wednesday I would run with a pack for 4 miles at a moderate pace. Friday I would run the 3 mile PFT course as fast as possible. My...
  3. F

    acne on test

    The Clearasil Salacylic Acid Pads work great! Use them up to 3 times a day and within a week, your current problems will be minimized.
  4. F

    Injection over the muscle?

    thanks that I think about it, I normally feel it hit the muscle but its not much. I'll switch to 1.5" to be on the safe side. Thanks again
  5. F

    Injection over the muscle?

    I shot 1.5cc of test last night in my glute with a 1" syringe. I'm fairly lean so I have always used a 1 inch syringe with no problems. I think I injected at an angle and missed the muscle. When I removed the syringe, you could feel a lump like the gear was right under the skin. Today, its...
  6. F

    M1T Fake?

    i think it just kicked in!!I got a pump just from typing this!!
  7. F

    M1T Fake?

    I bought some Higher Power M1T off Ebay and am a little curious as to what everones else's looks like. The pills are white, about as big as an asprin and a few have small black specks on them. Some where even broken. I'm beginning to think they are fake because its been 2 weeks on 20 mg. a day...
  8. F

    19-nor-4-Androstenediol (like deca)

    I was actually considering the same..mixing M1T with some andro-150 poppers...
  9. F

    Who takes Whey Protein shake during the night?

    I use protein factory's "night time" formula. Works great..consists of 25% Calcium Caseinate 25% Soy Isolate 25% CFM Whey Isolate 25% Milk Isolate 110 calories 27g protein 0 carbs 0.5g fat I throw in some hemp and flax oil with it..
  10. F

    Thinkin about joined the marines soon

    Good Luck in all you do man! I've spent the last 4 years in the Marine Corps. Now, I'm a reservist with 2 to go. It will be the best decision you will ever make. The benefits you will earn will make all the pain worthwhile!
  11. F

    help with calorie intake..

    Thanks for the advice..Is there any where I can find sample diets that would help me out?
  12. F

    help with calorie intake..

    I am the textbook example of an ectomorph! I'm 5' 10" 160lbs. I train 3-4 times a week and do 25 min. cardio sessions twice a week. I have no clue what my BF% is but I'm pretty lean. I eat all the time but I'm having trouble figuring out what foods to get the correct amount of nutrition from...
  13. F

    How much EFA's are needed daily?

    What is the daily recommendation for EFA's? I'm taking flax, cod-liver oil and hemp oil but I'm not sure how much is necessary. Any suggestions?
  14. F

    Any experience with Protein Factory MRP?

    I'm looking for a post-workout MRP to use other than my Myoplex Deluxe formula. I'm currently debating between PF's Lean Gainer MRP or their Anabolic MRP. Both are about the same price per lb. The Lean Gainer supplies almost double the protein of the Anabolic formula but the Anabolic formula...
  15. F

    Question on Injections

    Yeah I've checked out the spotinjection site before.. My tren is 75mg/ml My test is 200mg/ml