Recent content by Fullmetalkid

  1. Fullmetalkid

    The topic "Steroids" came up in class today

    1) The fat kid in the front row who brings a protein shake everyday to class, prolly 40% bf, claimed that if you take testosterone you need to take estrogen. 2) The old lady in the front row said that you should never go around anyone taking steroids becaues they get angry at anything and all...
  2. Fullmetalkid


    get use to it, I mean at least you know that gear is working.
  3. Fullmetalkid


    Make sure u get ready for the tren. I mean always have 3 pillows ready, u'll need to switch them out during the night. Start the night on on towles, then when those get soaked move them and sleep on the sheets. Forget stairs, elevators are much cooler anyway. And always lift as heavy as you can...
  4. Fullmetalkid

    frank mcgrath the animal

    uhhh, centopani should definitley be the face of Animal. This dude is cool, just a little on the small side.
  5. Fullmetalkid

    Acne hell!!!

    Dude, honestly. Accutane is the only thing that works for a lot of people. If there is a doctor out there that will prescribe it to you, go for it. 5 months and most people are acne free forever. Taking antibiotics and whatever other shit everyday for years is a lot worse for you than taking...
  6. Fullmetalkid

    God damn i have horrible gas

    It's all good bro, I read somewhere that Ronnie shits no less than 5 times a day. It just means that ur eating enough. don't get discouraged, i'm at the point where I don't leave my house without shitting first.
  7. Fullmetalkid

    Pre workout Supps on a cycle...

    Instant coffee and protein. Tastes like a frappacino.
  8. Fullmetalkid

    Question about Slin

    yeah don't even worry about ordering it, why would you pay for shipping and all that when u can just go to a pharmacy and ask for it. Bite ur tongue or something or watch a real good porn before you go in. it's easier than buying pseudophed.
  9. Fullmetalkid

    Best protein

    My favorite protein supplement is whatever is cheapest. Usually what they have to Sams or Costco. But all in all, Nothing puts weight on me and gives me strength like ground beef. Best protein for me by far.
  10. Fullmetalkid

    Sticking with moderate doses of Test

    yeah definitley run 500mg test as long as it works for you. No need in spending money unless you need to. If you really want to see gains though, I don't think it would be such a bad idea to try a kickstart with d-bol.
  11. Fullmetalkid

    Tren Gyno Coming On Quick!

    Before you get the prami try funning vitamin B6 at like 500-600 mg/day. Search around the forums about B6 and tren/deca gyno. I've been running tren and deca together now for almost 5 weeks along with 200 mg/day of B6 and have had no problems whatsoever.
  12. Fullmetalkid

    accutane / pimples

    Accutane works different for everyone, I didn't have a single pimple after the first month on the shit, but after that first month i couldn't go more than 10 minutes without gooping up my lips. I had dandruff really bad, and I couldn't use a straight razor to shave, it gave me razor burn...
  13. Fullmetalkid

    Tren Cycle

    I'm confused on why you wouldn't run the test for the the entire length of the cycle.
  14. Fullmetalkid

    Tren, God damn this shit

    i'm 6'2 about 266 pounds as of today, i'm guessing my bodyfat is at about 12-14%. Idk though, If i tense up my stomach I can see the top 2 abs. And I understand the potential harm in running two 19nor's, but I really don't want to get into it. This is just something I really wanna try for...
  15. Fullmetalkid

    Tren, God damn this shit

    Well, i've recently come off a cruise and am currently going full blast. 1000 mg test-e 500 mg deca 100 mg tren/eod Let me tell u, i'm 2 tren shots in and this shit just about made me kill my manager at work today. I fuckin love it. Good thing i'm real close with everyone at work, and they all...