Recent content by G2

  1. G2

    Cardio: Walking vs. Jogging

    How much more effective is jogging than walking? For example how many more calories will you burn doing 30 min of jogging vs. 30 min of walking at a high speed?
  2. G2

    Cardio Question

    I got a cheap air of walmart blades yesterday.....dont bother you gotta get good ones. I miss rollerblading myself. Running sucks period. Hehe
  3. G2

    Cardio Question

    I didnt know whether this belonged here or not...........but anyway......... What can I do for cadio to make it less boring and feel like work? I just despise it so much......but I know its the only way to lean out. thanks!
  4. G2

    Who Actually Gets Bloodwork Done?

    Brooklyn never thinks he leaves the convo board..............
  5. G2

    Western Union Wired Payment

    Western union is about the only method of payment a real source will take. Which blows sweaty goat sack cause its fuckin like $28 to send money.
  6. G2

    Extreme Gas problem from so many Cal's

    That like the 'I have this friend......" Its OK minx gas can be cute for a woman. hehe
  7. G2

    after workout eating

    No offense but I dont want to be 25% body fat.
  8. G2

    Soreness from injecting even weeks later?

    Have you guys ever had a problem where a bodypart you injected still gets sore even 3-4 weeks after you shot last? My right calf is stiff and painfull every morning and various times throughout the day. Any thoughts?
  9. G2

    Veterans AAS users only, please. Test/ Fina dosage?

    I am no veteran, but I think they would tell you 250mg at the least.
  10. G2

    best liquid clen?

    I dont think it matters much honeslty. I just got done with 2 weeks of clen pills and I even changed my diet slighty for the better and I saw little if any results. Dont waste your all comes down to diet and cardio!
  11. G2

    Real steroids icw M1t/4AD in one cycle because of holidays ?

    m1t is still much cheaper than test or any other aas. trust me....and no we arent getting into a price posting situation.
  12. G2

    GH only first cycle

    So GH is used when your at your max size that juice can provide? When can you decide that?
  13. G2

    *** sent me the Wrong Order!!!

    They got my order right twice so for. Fast shipping too!
  14. G2

    Real steroids icw M1t/4AD in one cycle because of holidays ?

    Im no expert but I can tell you that M1T is NOWHERE near as strong as a Test/Deca stack. If you cant finish the 8-10 weeks dont start it now. Also post cycle therapy (pct) is Nolva and Clomid only. The milk thistle is a liver support.
  15. G2

    My 3rd Test enathate bulking cycle (but no gains)

    Wow, you need to read a little and do some more research before you go throwing around advice like could cause some potential problems for someone.