Recent content by gadogs83

  1. gadogs83

    pinn still good to go?

    i gotcha bro, it's all good.
  2. gadogs83

    pinn still good to go?

    I have no problem with their name not being plastered all over the fucking discussion forum every single day and people not talking dumb shit about their orders and what not. I was simply asking if anyone was CURRENTLY getting good gains off of any of their fresher batches. maybe you weren't...
  3. gadogs83

    pinn still good to go?

    damn. the last thing i wanted was to get some shit started. 4everbulking seems like a good bro i have asked him questions before. i just haven't heard as many people talking pinn up like they used to. and 2 of their biggest supporters zeke and jstarks have fell off the map. i just wanted...
  4. gadogs83

    pinn still good to go?

    i hear ya bro. this is shitty news though. they are good guys to deal with but i'm not sure i want to take the chance on them again now. I ran their sust at 750 mg's last time and got good gains. i sure was looking forward to trying their cyp and that anavar everyone was always bragging...
  5. gadogs83

    pinn still good to go?

    i'm sure everything is good i was just wanting some recent feedback on pinn. my first cycle with them went great but i know how ugl's can fall off the map quick. anyone getting good gains currently? just wanted to make sure they were still doing their thing before i spent some money.
  6. gadogs83

    Malware Warning

    i had the same problem. not sure what that's all about but glad its over.
  7. gadogs83

    Post Cycle Issues

    other than bloodwork i would probably suggest just running 3-4 weeks of clomid and seeing what happened. it should get your natty test levels up.
  8. gadogs83

    Test e problem q&a

    i've always heard enanthate was really smooth. i used sustanon last cycle and didn't even have any pip with it and it has prop in it. as stated above - might be dirty gear if not the harpoon you are injecting it with. good luck.
  9. gadogs83

    Abcess from test 400

    i'm not saying that's what caused it i'm just saying there is no reason to do that.
  10. gadogs83

    Major Sustanon (sust) Bloat

    i've took 750mg a week of sustanon for 15 weeks and never really bloated at all. i took aromasin 12.5 e.d.. everyone is different though i guess.
  11. gadogs83

    Abcess from test 400

    don't wipe the damn needle with anything dude. its already sterile.
  12. gadogs83

    I suck!

  13. gadogs83

    clear liquid

    honestly not trying to be a smart ass dude i'm curious as to why you were pinching your nipples in the first place lol
  14. gadogs83

    D-bol vs T-bol

    how so? i'm just curious man. my only thing with dbol is i wanna keep the gains that i get. i dont want to look all deflated and shit when i come off of it. i may just say fuck it and throw 100 mg's a day of Anavar (var) into my next cycle for about 10 weeks or so.
  15. gadogs83

    First cycle, for powerlifting.

    OP - I'm a powerlifter too. it sounds like you don't have a clue about aas. eat a lot of clean carbs and lift as heavy as you can bro. don't do reps until it feels like your arms are about to fall off. squat heavy as fuck, deadlift heavy as fuck, and your bench will go up with the rest...