Recent content by garyan

  1. G

    How many ejaculations do you average in a month

    Nope.., I just broke with my girlfriend several months ago. I am all single and not that depressed I suppose. Why you ask?
  2. G

    Nudes of my ex

    Emm. she looks kinky. ;) Nope, I don't. just wanna a big HIT,
  3. G

    How many ejaculations do you average in a month

    Well, recently it has increased. bout 60-80 a month. Thats excluding sex which is about 1-2 a month. :( Depressing eh??
  4. G

    Arnold still the KiNG

    He has gifted body. Man is perfect and blessed by GOD to have amazing body, talent and career.
  5. G

    The Best Fat Stripping Supplement?

    I just got them today and I will start from this sunday.
  6. G

    any Veggitarians hear?!? that bodybuilding??wut do u eat

    Tofu, Some Cereal beans, Oat with milk...are my best resources for food.
  7. G

    Cold water or hot water?

    Hi, I am not into heavy gym but every morning I do light exercise. Its actually cold here so I want to ask whether to drink normal water ( which is cold) or hot water after exercise? Does it make it any difference? Thanks for your time.