Recent content by Gbrad

  1. Gbrad

    Question of medical treatment with steroid use

    I would consider 2 things before going any further. 1. Testosterone must be produced by your body or supplied through supplemental testosterone. Remember, the brain and heart are the top 2 testosterone receptor sites in the body, not the pecs and biceps :-) so having no testosterone running...
  2. Gbrad

    IGF-1, Heart Health and Bodybuilding By Thomas O’Connor, MD

    Great article. As a 42 yr old post MI patient on TRT, I am keenly interested in this topic. Thx for sharing
  3. Gbrad

    Mk-677 .... helps release hgh ?! anyone tried

    I will say that peptides caused a spike in my Hct and hb so be aware of the possibility if you add them to TRT or cycle. I added em to TRT protocol.
  4. Gbrad

    Endurance/Speed/Strength/Cardio Cycle for MMA

    Interesting 3J- A quick hijack that may be of interest to OP. How high do you think Hct can get before truly worrisome? My cardio is amazing in the low 50s but it scares me to walk around at level. What do u think? I am a TRT guy so I know age does play a role in this as well.
  5. Gbrad

    HELP PLZ! TRT + HCG problems

    For some the HCG gives a slight euphoric feeling. It was probably this that caused the initial good feelings. I am by no means a doc but I didn't catch what type of hypogonadalism you were diagnosed with. If you still wanted kids, I am wondering why a restart was not given a try first. Again...
  6. Gbrad

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Eat, sleep, eat....repeat
  7. Gbrad

    Athlete Cycle help (jiu jitsu)

    Maybe Taser, knife, travel w friends, decent standup skills, and situational awareness come to mind if can't carry guns. Or...Move to USA! Hahahaa good luck. Sorry for hijack OP.
  8. Gbrad

    Athlete Cycle help (jiu jitsu)

    If I am dealing with more than one opponent in a fight, they will have to deal with my Glock before we engage in hand to hand combat.
  9. Gbrad

    Athlete Cycle help (jiu jitsu)

    I agree with 3J. I'm a purple belt. With you already at the top end of your cut range, I can't see the merits of a cycle. How old are you? May have missed that. Otherwise, I would think peptides or GH may have some value for recovery etc
  10. Gbrad

    Night Sweats. For Fvck Sakes Already.

    In that wife sure has been stingy with that nay nay lately. Hahahhaaha
  11. Gbrad

    Moral/Ethical Dilemma. Need some help fellas :/ KRATOM RELATED

    Good job on tough love. It really is the only way. Don't cave. He will probably look for an enabler. Also, he needs to find his rock bottom. This may be it, maybe not. Time will tell. Best of luck I am in your shoes with my brother.
  12. Gbrad

    Hurricane Mathew- hope all our members are safe

    Yes indeed! Be smart and prepared if so.
  13. Gbrad

    Whats the best cycle to get lean and maintain weight

    Haha yeah I hear ya. I squatted today with my135lbs doing a2g sets of 15 reps. I literally felt nauseous watching dude beside me grind out 315 for reps like I used to do. I'm 42 and gettin old fast.
  14. Gbrad

    Happy Memorial day to everyone!

    Dang solid planning! ***55357;***56834;
  15. Gbrad

    Happy Memorial day to everyone!

    Labor Day? I do that all the time bro