Recent content by Gerod

  1. G

    IMT New Network - Major Changes to Increase My T

    You have got to try Increase My T and their new Pharmacy Network. I have been working with Todd Thomas for a couple of years now and the service had always been pretty good. Then about the beginning of this year the whole thing totally fell off due to the pharmacy network he was using. So...
  2. G

    Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

    Have you tried they have a great set up that is very affordable. I have 6 of their 8" 15 degree angled in ceiling speakers and 2 of their 12 inch subs being pushed by my yamaha rxv675. This is great for the budget. They also have a very well reviewed boxed set. Seriously it cost...
  3. G

    How does post cycle therapy (pct) work? (and this is just to make my title 25 charaters long...)

    Reputation is bestowed henceforth. How do I get on this captian planet crew. You guys are redonk. lol
  4. G

    How does post cycle therapy (pct) work? (and this is just to make my title 25 charaters long...)

    I didn't test out the estrogen levels or LH/FSH. I know I am supposed to but I am ballin on a budget. Also the reason for that extra time in there is because my PCT didn't come soon enough and my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was completely out. I will NEVER start another cycle without...
  5. G

    How does post cycle therapy (pct) work? (and this is just to make my title 25 charaters long...)

    Love the new captain planet symbol on sponge bob by the way. lol! I had been clear of the test for 6 weeks and clear of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in my PCT for 4 weeks before I got blood work done. I was only taking 1ML test 200/ml once weekly for 14 weeks and using Human Chorionic...
  6. G

    How does post cycle therapy (pct) work? (and this is just to make my title 25 charaters long...)

    How does PCT work? (and this is just to make my title 25 charaters long...) My apologies if this has been answered elswhere. Can you please clarify what shutting down both reception and production of estrogen in the body does to restart the HPTA? I am going to guess that adrenal glands...
  7. G

    12 weeks of test e

    Depends on how many times you want to inject yourself. Test is test. it doesn't matter. You need to keep your hormones stable and high on cycle. I am not sure about ORT and SUS but cyponate every 7 days. That is what I use and I really like it. I pin every 5 days with it though because I am a...
  8. G

    HCG Blast clarification

    mL BAC Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2000 iu Dose to Strength 20 100 iu/mL 4mL = 400 iu 10 200 iu/mL 2mL = 400 iu 5 400 iu/mL 1mL = 400 iu 2.5 800 iu/mL 500 iu = 400 1.25 1600 iu/mL 250 iu = 400
  9. G

    help with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) mixing please

    I can't agree more. I have done the damn thing wrong a couple of times but now it is going right. Finally. My really trouble came with mixing it because I was having it mixed for me before. Be better prepared next time but THIS time just wait until week 2 to start taking Human Chorionic...
  10. G

    help with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) mixing please

    You can buy Bac water or substitute at any pharmacy. You don't need a script for it.
  11. G

    HCG Blast clarification

    Ok I take it back: I am retarded. I can't make more than what I have. I was misunderstanding dose with strength because both were measured in "iu". AHHHH HAAAAA.... Some of this stuff just stumps me because I have never had to think about it before. Thanks for putting up with me. Noob face...
  12. G

    HCG Blast clarification

    Ok cptfknplanet. I have read every word. I am sitting here at my kitchen counter and about to mix. I think im going to wait until someone answers this for me a little more simply so that I can understand. I have a vile of powder Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) it has 2000 iu in it. Where I am...
  13. G

    Free and Total Test Level post cycle therapy (pct) calculation coversion.

    Thanks halfwit. That is exactly what I was trying to google for 20 min and couldn't find it.
  14. G

    Free and Total Test Level post cycle therapy (pct) calculation coversion.

    Free and Total Test Level PCT calculation coversion. Hey all, Can you help me convert 70.1 pg/mL into ng/dL? Total is 376 ng/dl and I am trying to verify free T is about 5% of my total. Post cycle sucks. I did it wrong and feel like crap. Now it is going to take longer for me to go on cycle...