Recent content by gettinstrong

  1. G

    No nolvadex, legal products?

    Looks like ill hav to giv post cycle therapy (pct) a miss then!!!!!!
  2. G

    No nolvadex, legal products?

    Ok finished my cycle 2wks ago, should hav had nolva or clomid etc for pct, was gona get it just b4 i finished the course but the guy got busted so i need an alternative. Ive been lookin at tribulas terrestris and a few other legal products, would these be worth takin to raise my natural test...
  3. G

    roids and hair growth

    It was Sustanon (sust) etc, do u know if ill grow less bodyhair when im off the gear?
  4. G

    roids and hair growth

    Anyone know if hair growth is linked to steroid use? I ask this because i wasnt really hairy until i started juicing.
  5. G

    wat caused u gyno?

    Well i always wanted to be a woman as far back as i can remember so instead of spending thousands on surgery i started takin 500mg sustanon every day along with 150mg anadrol to get ye blessed 'bitchtitties'. And now i am very happy and a d cup.
  6. G

    Me at 290 (pics) Need Cycle Advice

    Dude dont be in a rush to lose fat, bears r fat and they kickass. Uv got good mass, same kinda frame i had a few yrs back. When u do cut up dont do wat i did and lose like 80lbs in a yr cos im 220 now with pathetic 17 inch guns. Get the juice in ya, i recommend 750mg sust a wk and either 50mg...
  7. G

    Bicep Reps?

    I go heavy on biceps, up to 200 lbs on the ez bar and my arms r only 17inch, i do low reps and i believe low reps are not the answer to big biceps, so iv been doin 150lbs on the str8 bar for up to 10 reps and iv been gettin a gr8 pump so im gonna see if it works better.
  8. G

    my cycle: omnadren and d bol

    dude eat some food
  9. G

    my cycle: omnadren and d bol

    Im about to start the same omna for 10wks at a gram a wk, and 1-2 anadrol a day, iv never used omna but i hear its pretty much the same as sust and bad for acne :-(. If i were u id definately kick the dbol up to 45mg it might get flamed on here but its not actually that much.
  10. G

    anadrol Sustanon (sust) cycle

    anadrol sust cycle Iv done 3 previous injectable cycles, 500mg sust, and 2 750mg a wk enanthate cycles, all just on their own. Now the next cycle i hav planned is 750 sust a wk and 1 anadrol a day for 30days, thats a 50mg anapolan tab. The question is this, is that enough, just 1 tab or should...
  11. G

    cutting from 300!!

    wat do u want me to say, congrats?? ur braggin about a 350 bench, ur 27 frickin yrs old its disgusting, u should be hittin the 500's by now. i can bench 350 and iv been training a lot shorter time than u im sure and iv only been benching for a yr.
  12. G

    cutting from 300!!

    bla bla bla, bla bla bla, why didnt u pricks just say that, my interpretation would hav just been the same. dont i know how to stir up a hornets nest, i think some of u messed ur diapers havin ur little tantrums. And alfa 23 ur a complete waste of space, dick. ur 25yrs old or something, ur about...
  13. G

    cutting from 300!!

    yeh it is fukin unhealthy no doubt, but its better to bulk when im young rather than when im old and im at greater risk of heart attacks etc. and there was some confusion about my fat loss. over 2yrs i went from about 160 to 300, then from 300 to 260 in a few months then back up to 270 after a...
  14. G

    No To TaK To....

    sorry, which ones the one at 201 and which is the 180?
  15. G

    cutting from 300!!

    but i am stronger than everyone