Recent content by grendil

  1. grendil

    How hard was your 1st time??

    I stared at the needle for 20 minutes. I kept telling myself "on 3", then counted to 3, nothing. I counted to three at least 15 times. Finally, took a deep breath, and done. I was surprised how painless it was.
  2. grendil

    AML Andromed Labs Gear

    Good to hear.
  3. grendil

    Any boxing fans?

    Maidana kicking Broners ass was awesome. Did you catch it?
  4. grendil

    What do you listen to at gym?

    Mostly 90's. Tool, Smashing Pumpkins, IME, Breaking Benjamin, Korn, Silverchair. Stuff I liked in High School.
  5. grendil

    Fitness models natural?!

    Sean Connery Mr. Universe Circa 1950 or so. This is natural.
  6. grendil

    R.I.P. Paul Walker.....................

    Love Fast and the Furious. RIP
  7. grendil

    HELP! Man boobs

    If you recently lost a lot of weight, which you did, it is possible it is just fat. Chest fat will sometimes remain to the last. High intensity cardio/crossfit something along those lines will help over time if this is the case. But see a doctor to find out.
  8. grendil

    That's right--finally got that 2nd green bar!

    She looks yummy.
  9. grendil

    My dog just got killed by a snake :(

    That's terrible. So sorry to hear.
  10. grendil


    Looking like a beast, bro!
  11. grendil

    guys i dont feel orgasms anymore help

    That is one SMOKING HOT GIRL!
  12. grendil

    a great read for all of you

    Good read!
  13. grendil

    M1t And Stiff Neck , Dizzy, Puke Blood

    Yeah, not good. M1T really messes some people up, you are one of them! A guy died here in Canada using it, his liver failed. I believe it was circa 2006. Could be wrong on that tho.