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    Hi, join us here • Index page new high tech and exciting bodybuilding board men and womens section plus MMA and chat with others. Many supplement sources on board.
    Hey bud - not feelin small but not feelin brolic like 4 months ago either. I just don't want to brag on about how great gear is while these guys are barely out of puberty! LOL And yes # 2 is started!
    yo man i appreciate the advice i bought that shit on impulse. ive been lifting since i was 14 but i drink a shit load of beer on the weekends and eat pretty shitty on the weekends too. i just need more self control. i just bought my powertec multi system and i have plenty of motivation. i fuckin hate running but i guess its something im goin to have to do. right now my goal is 10000 push ups in 30 days. im on my second day (333) each day and i can barely lift my arms. i was just looking for a shortcut. im gonna re sell this shit and get my money back. BTW i honestly think im done growing im 18 and i have a full beard and i have been 5 foot 7 since i was in 8th grade. i honestly think im done growing. i have an ID thats my dads that says im 38 and i can buy beer anywhere with no questions asked. but i really wanna do this shit. but i know youre right. thanks once again
    Hey dude - not posting too much anymore - I feel a little guilty talking about gear there with all those young 'uns reading. I feel like starting every post - "can't wait to start my next cycle, blah blah blah."- Hahahaha i've been following fmonica - man - that guy is a fuckin animal! he's got some awsome genes and uber dedication - I love reading it! and natty too - he's a rare breed. Nice guy too. ttyl bro!
    I laffed out loud - Okay - I didn't want to say too much - just testing to see if you'd recognise my alter ego "LeanBody" in the Vitamin T rocks tank - can't wear that on BBD... Hahahaha - Okay so it's wishful thinking on my part but I had to pick a new name! They got my fukkin age rite this time too - how shit is that?
    hey man do you really live in Abu Dhabi? And aren't you a carpenter - Jesus was a crpenter too - that's so cool! Peace
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