Recent content by grizzly

  1. G

    AAS Survey - Please read

    Thanks to all who have taken it. These docs are doing the best they can to help our community out, to educate the non educated! Thanks. GRIZZ
  2. G

    AAS Survey - Please read

    This is taken straight from the survey, this is what it is trying to accomplish, which can only help our community in the long run. The following questionnaire is part of a study to document the current trends in the use of anabolic/androgenic steroid (AAS) and performance enhancing drugs use...
  3. G

    AAS Survey - Please read

    A bud of mine who is a doc has created this survery along with another doc. Please take the time to read and submit it. It is annonymous. The more info they can get the better, as they are going to use this to try and educate the non educated people with biased views against AAS. Thanks...
  4. G

    mexipharm or QV?

    I would go MP over QV anyday. Gone through a ton of both and never had anything wrong with my MP and excellent results. QV can be hit and miss. Not something that bros want when trying to pack on muscle. MP is good to go. GRIZZ
  5. G

    Where's my gyno coming from?

    The reason... If b/c you are NOT using any test and your HPTA is probably getting shutdown which can cause gyno! Low test levels will cause gyno... Throw in some test asap along with some dex! I would always use a base of test for all cycles..... GRIZZ
  6. G

    My opinion on GH for young guys

    Why do you feel Nutropin Depot could possibly shut you down for good? Just curious as I am about to use it and in my early 20's.... GRIZZ