Recent content by Grizzy

  1. G

    1.8 mg Quickmix Genotropin

    thank you
  2. G

    1.8 mg Quickmix Genotropin

    Please any one else chime in. Are these worth buying. And at 1.8mg how should I dose it. It is a single dose use so its a matter of how often to inject if its worth it at all. Keep reading 2-6 ius a day but I don't know how to break out all down mathematically
  3. G

    1.8 mg Quickmix Genotropin

    No idea what they are supposed to be used for. Just curios if they are worth purchasing and how much to take if so
  4. G

    1.8 mg Quickmix Genotropin

    Any opinions on using these?
  5. G

    1.8 mg Quickmix Genotropin

    I can get a bunch of these pharma 1.8 mg genotropin quickmix HGH. Question is these are single dose so will this be too much to take in one shot. I'm looking to use while on bulking cycle. Is taking one of these a week make any sense.
  6. G

    Got injured at end of my cycle

    TB 500. Third week of this for my injury and the pain is all but gone
  7. G

    Note to self:

    Never wait until spring to order Test for your summer cycle! everyone IS OUT :(
  8. G

    testosterone when gains? test cypionate week 3

    Acne is a tell tale sign for sure. Give it another week or two and you should start seeing and feeling changes For me week 5 is when it kicks in
  9. G

    For you guys who stay on year round and compete seriously

    What's with the dbol after being on cycle for 10 weeks. That's when the test is kicking in for most. I just don't see the logic.
  10. G

    Pinnacle labs bloodwork

    BDoh a week from ordering from them. Poor labs and lack of a working website is making me reconsider.
  11. G

    What should you tell your DR. if...

    you go in for a infection from an injection site?? Really just a random question, i was thinking if this actually happened to me, what should someone tell the doctor how it happened. I read, NEVER tell you take steroids, but is there really a way to deny that you do take them if you go in...
  12. G

    aspirating on a glute injection

    If i get blood i change the need and move to another location near by.
  13. G

    First enanthate cycle: 3 weeks over still no result. Pls help

    4-6 weeks is normal to start seeing and feeling anything on test e. For me its morr like week 6
  14. G

    Forcefed's First Cycle - Test + D-Bol - PCT??

    250mg twice a week for first cycle.