Recent content by gymrat827

  1. G

    In my honest opinion BCAA powders are trash.

    Exactly how I Use them. Intra workout that lasts 80 min.
  2. G

    NEW Product Releases from N2BM

    N2kts and the joint supp should serve me well. Good to see n2 sleep as well. That was good shit.
  3. G

    NEW Product Releases from N2BM

    I'm excited with all this new shit. Because some of this were old formula"s that should of never been dropped
  4. G

    Newbie Prohormone Cycle Questions

    No. It isn't. But u just need cals. That's all, lots of gym time & food.
  5. G

    Low dose test on ph cycle?

    Dude, you never said your only 22....... Make do with natty hormones. You have lots right now, more than enough to build muscle.
  6. G

    I want to reach my goal weight before my sister's wedding!

    Lol on weightloss pills. GL on that.
  7. G

    Low dose test on ph cycle?

    The tes will be a good idea man. Glad you're going to use it.
  8. G

    epi strong need help guys

    40mg for 6wks. Epi is dry and kinda anti estrogen it. Use a SERM and Hcgenerate for pct.
  9. G

    HUGE Prohormone Sale at N2BM!!!!

    Wow. Pretty cheap man. Shitty that they will be gone forever.
  10. G

    Post Razordrol cycle.. How long should I take pct?

    You need a real pct. I bet you ve lost a lot of the gains with just that one supp for pct. Clomid/x AI/hcgenerate & something like gear or n2slin for growth.
  11. G

    Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act (All Prohormones)

    It's only for 4 or 5 PHs right now. But since they are being very broad with it they will be able to label a ton of shit as an anabolic n ban it.
  12. G

    thinking about trying a sarm but know nothing about them. Please help need more infor

    I've used osta in pct lots of times. If ur on both clomid + nolva you ll be fine.