Recent content by hatefulONE

  1. H

    DAA in your preworkout?

    I've used phyto test before, I don't think that those products do much for you preworkout wise. I'm trying today my admantium with some coffee and whey, not mixed together of course, but taken in close proximity to each other.
  2. H

    DAA in your preworkout?

    Solid idea, I remember when I took tcf-1 druing post cycle therapy (pct) I was also using premax and endoamp, dosed them all together and had a great, sweaty workout.
  3. H

    DAA in your preworkout?

    I'm looking for something to take that will allow me to half my premax dose and prolong it to 20 workouts worth instead of the usual 10.
  4. H

    Elbow pain when doing triceps

    Cissus will help some what. Rest, ice, light stretching. Bands help a lot I've noticed. DAWG is 100% right as well, buddy of mine in college had terrible knee pain, warm up dynamic style and always wore a sleeve on his knee and it made a world of difference.
  5. H

    how do you guys warm up? & Do you use the pyramid scheme?

    I like doing a dynamic warm up. Youtube joe defranco, he has some good stuff. Really helps, especially with the lower body day, my back feels like a million bucks.
  6. H

    DAA in your preworkout?

    Ok has anyone tried daa in there preworkout, either part of a preblend or adding it to their own concoction? I am currently taking admantium and I will honestly say it is better than most stim based preworkouts I've tried. I have used lit up as well and it was decent as well.
  7. H

    What Pre-workout are you using?

    Hmm, might have to try nk. I'm very critical of preworkouts these days. Most of them just have a bunch of stims for people who can't get fired up for their workouts. I like ones with recovery ingredients and what not. What is all in the nk, I might add some to my non stim preworkout if like...
  8. H

    Something I really don't get about mass gains

    How old do we all guess? 20? At that weight there is no reason to even consider using anything hormonal. Hell even taking premarin might help atleast add some water weight to you. If you can easily eat 5,000 cals a day, then do it, its not as easy as it seems. Especially if they are the...
  9. H

    Something I really don't get about mass gains

    EQ needs to be higher, 600mg I'd say. Dave1, what are you current stats? Most people can gain a good amount of weight each cycle and naturally after the cycle but will they? No because a lot are idiots and stop training hard and get into a garbage diet after the cycle.
  10. H

    Test e or Test p with Tren Ace?

    EOD is fine for the test p and tren ace. You could half the eod dose and shoot everyday, but some people just can't handle that much pinning. A buddy of mine is running test e and tren e and had some e2 issues, he started some aromasin and is feeling much better.
  11. H

    5 Weeks into Test E only... need HELP Urgently! Please Help!

    The bloat is fine, purely cosmetic, however at your age you will probably continue to see a large rise in e2 and probably get gyno, if not now then after your post cycle therapy (pct) you may get a nasty rebound effect being so young. I don't get it, if you were playing a collegiate sport I...
  12. H

    Eq only cycle?works

    I've ran eq with test before and loved it. I haven't known anyone to run only eq. I'm sure it would help in an athlete but for bodybuilding purposes I'm not sure it would be worth it without test. I mean test is cheap and just compounds the effects of anything else it is stacked with. You...
  13. H

    Too late to add in EQ? (Test Prop + Var)

    Save it unless you want to run 20 weeks total and run the eq for 15. Best to wait til next time though.
  14. H

    Help Cutting Test Prop with...?

    I love eq, gives me solid strength and lean mass gains, nothing quick though. It takes time to build up. I run it at 600mg for 15 weeks. I haven't seen much less than 12 weeks ran of it as eq takes a while to kick in. If you want to extend your cycle to 20 weeks or so then yeah get some eq...
  15. H

    FL3X wants to be AndroMassive

    Keep it up flex. The kitchen is the hardest thing to adapt to your new gains. Good luck.